All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract Fragment implementation that can be used to implement simple titled lists.
Provides a Metric of the Network estimation.
Provides a Metric of the Buffer time ahead of the current player position.
Provides a Metric of the Buffer time behind of the current player position.
Provides a Metric for the chunk download time.
This plugin can be registered with PlayerSDK.register(Plugin) to enable additional debug logs.
Use this builder to create new instances of the DebugPlugin.
Fragment that show a list of downloads triggered by a player.
Interface that must be implemented by activities that use fragments from this plugin where the fragment needs access to the player.
Listener interface that can be implemented to get callbacks when the player view is reloaded or reset
Simple view that renders a media segment as a line with its relative position and duration
Abstract class that provides the required underlying infrastructure to interact with the PlayerMetricChart and provide the necessary data to it.
Represents an object that can plot a metric.
Chart that binds itself to a PlayerController, in order to plot data from it.
Fragment that shows RenditionsFragment, TrackSelectionsFragment, and DownloadsFragment horizontally next to each other.
Chart that shows line graph displaying one or more Metrics.
Base interface for settings view to reset them
Chart that shows a horizontal player state graph.
Fragment that shows statistics about the current playback session
Provides a Metric of the currently playing Video quality
Limit downloads speeds with implementations of this interface.
Provides a Metric of the current download plugin rate limit if enabled
Rate limit tracer that can update a race limiter according to a list of traces.
A single download trace with a start and end time.
Fragment that shows a list of renditions of the playout.
Provides a Metric of the currently selected Video quality.
Fragment that shows a list of ABR selections triggered by the player.