Class OkHttpPlugin


public class OkHttpPlugin extends Plugin
This plugin class enables support for OkHttp and uses it to create http connections. You need to register and enable the plugin before you initialize the SDK:

  public class MyApp extends Application {
      public void onCreate() {

          PlayerSDK.register(new OkHttpPlugin());

OkHttp can be also used for debugging purposes to intercept and show the network traffic. For that, you will need to add additional dependencies in the applications build script:

     compile 'com.facebook.stetho:stetho:1.3.1'
     compile 'com.facebook.stetho:stetho-okhttp3:1.3.1'
With these dependencies in place, you can setup the plugin using the network interceptor:

  public class MyApp extends Application {
      public void onCreate() {

          PlayerSDK.register(new OkHttpPlugin(
              new OkHttpClient.Builder().addNetworkInterceptor(new StethoInterceptor())));
Using this extended setup allows you to use your local chrome development tools to intercept and show network traffic. For that, run the Application on a device connected via USB, start chrome and open a tab on chrome://inspect/#devices. Enable USB discovery and you will see you Application listed. You can now inspect the network traffic of your application.
  • Constructor Details

    • OkHttpPlugin

      public OkHttpPlugin()
      Create a new plugin instance that will use the default client builder
    • OkHttpPlugin

      public OkHttpPlugin(@NonNull okhttp3.OkHttpClient.Builder clientBuilder)
      Create a new plugin instance that will use the given builder to create the ok http client instance. You can pass a custom configured builder here, for example to if you want to inject network interceptors for debugging purposes.
      clientBuilder - The client builder
  • Method Details

    • enableKeyStoreSetup

      public void enableKeyStoreSetup(boolean enable)
      Enable or disable usage of PlayerSDK.SSL_KEY_STORE. Default is enabled.
      enable - Provide true if PlayerSDK.SSL_KEY_STORE should be applied and override SSL socket factory and Trust managers. Will not have any effect if PlayerSDK.SSL_KEY_STORE is not set. Provide false if your builder contains custom SSL socket factory and should not be overridden
    • evictIdleConnections

      public void evictIdleConnections()
      Close all idle connections using OkHttp
    • getId

      @NonNull public String getId()
      Specified by:
      getId in class Plugin