Interface ExtendedTrackSelector.EventListener

Enclosing class:

public static interface ExtendedTrackSelector.EventListener
Interface which receives Track Selection-related callbacks.
  • Method Details

    • onTrackSelectionActivated

      void onTrackSelectionActivated(@NonNull ExtendedTrackSelector.ModelSelection modelSelection)
      Track selection has changed
      modelSelection - the new model
    • onTrackSelection

      void onTrackSelection(@NonNull ExtendedTrackSelector.ModelSelection modelSelection)
      Track selection was triggered but not activated yet
      modelSelection - the new model
    • onVideoKeyStatusChanged

      void onVideoKeyStatusChanged(List<VideoTrackQuality> trackList)
      Video track key status has changed
    • onVideoBlocklistError

      void onVideoBlocklistError(@NonNull BlocklistException error)
      Informs that the video quality blacklisting failed
    • onUnsupportedContent

      void onUnsupportedContent(int mediaType, int filterReason)
      The indicated mediaType cannot be played with the current configuration and / or on the current device.
      mediaType - the mediaType that has been filtered
      filterReason - the filter reason. Will be one of the FILTER_REASON_* constants in SdkConsts. SdkConsts.selectionReasonToString(int) can also be used in order to get a human readable description of the reason.
    • onNoRendererFound

      void onNoRendererFound(int mediaType)
      Informs that no active Renderer has been found for the given mediaType. It's also possible that a particular Renderer is disabled.
      mediaType - the mediaType for which no active Renderer has been found
    • onTunnelingError

      void onTunnelingError(@NonNull TunnelingException error)
      Informs that tunneling mode can not be enabled for the current playback
      error - Tunneling exception holding additional info.