Class PlayerListeners


public class PlayerListeners extends Object
This class helps to manage a set of PlayerListeners and delegates to the listener methods. It can manages the list of listeners and ensure that concurrent modification are prevented and listeners can be added and removed in a thread safe manner.

If you are using the fireError(CastlabsPlayerException) methods to delegate errors to the listeners, please note that the delegation will be done one the same thread.

  • Method Details

    • removeListener

      public void removeListener(@NonNull AdInterface.Listener listener)
    • addListener

      public void addListener(@NonNull AdInterface.Listener listener)
    • addListener

      public void addListener(@NonNull CustomDashEventListener listener)
      Register the given CustomDashEventListener
      listener - the listener
    • addListener

      public void addListener(@NonNull EventStreamListener listener)
      Register the given EventStreamListener
      listener - the listener
    • removeListener

      public void removeListener(@NonNull CustomDashEventListener listener)
      Remove the given CustomDashEventListener
      listener - the listener
    • removeListener

      public void removeListener(@NonNull EventStreamListener listener)
      Remove the given EventStreamListener
      listener - the listener
    • addListener

      public void addListener(@NonNull EventStreamListListener listener)
      Register the given EventStreamListListener
      listener - the listener
    • removeListener

      public void removeListener(@NonNull EventStreamListListener listener)
      Remove the given EventStreamListListener
      listener - the listener
    • fireFatalErrorOccurred

      public void fireFatalErrorOccurred(@NonNull CastlabsPlayerException error)
      Iterates the registered listeners and delegates to PlayerListener.onFatalErrorOccurred(CastlabsPlayerException).
      error - the error
    • fireError

      public void fireError(@NonNull CastlabsPlayerException error)
      Iterates the registered listeners and delegates to PlayerListener.onError(CastlabsPlayerException).
      error - the error
    • fireLicenseKeysLoaded

      public void fireLicenseKeysLoaded()
      INTERNAL: Fire an license keys loaded event to all registered listeners.
    • fireLicenseKeysChanged

      public void fireLicenseKeysChanged()
      INTERNAL: Fire an license keys changed event to all registered listeners.
    • fireLicenseLoadError

      public void fireLicenseLoadError(int currentAttempt, int maxAttempts, @Nullable DownloadException downloadException)
    • fireOnAdPaused

      public void fireOnAdPaused()
    • fireOnAdResumed

      public void fireOnAdResumed(@NonNull Ad ad)
    • fireOnAdClicked

      public void fireOnAdClicked(@Nullable String clickthroughUrl)
    • reportConnectivityLost

      public void reportConnectivityLost()
      Call this method to report loss of connectivity. This will delegate a new error to any registered listeners and cache the connectivity state.
    • reportConnectivityGained

      public void reportConnectivityGained()
      Call this method to report loss of connectivity. This will delegate a new error to any registered listeners and cache the connectivity state.
    • reset

      public void reset()