Class PlayerViewLifecycleDelegate


public class PlayerViewLifecycleDelegate extends Object
The default lifecycle delegate.

This class provides life cycle callbacks that can be used to manage the life cycle of the player controller in the context of an Activity that shows a IPlayerView.

The default PlayerView exposes this through the PlayerView.getLifecycleDelegate() method. Use this to hook up activity lifecycle events.

Note that the PlayerViewLifecycleDelegate does not handle the use-case when the Activity is completely destroyed and re-created with the subsequent `onCreate` call. To handle this the application may want to store the playback state upon `onSaveInstanceState` and use the state in `onCreate` call, for more details see the PlayerView

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • PlayerViewLifecycleDelegate

      public PlayerViewLifecycleDelegate(@NonNull IPlayerView playerView)
      Create a new instance using the given player view
      playerView - The player view
  • Method Details

    • start

      public void start(@NonNull Activity activity)
      Call this method when the hosting activity is started. This method sets up the devices screen to be kept on for the current Activity by setting the window flag FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON. If you don't want to enforce this behaviour, consider clearing the window flags after a call to this method and then manually handle the flag. If you do clear the window settings, please ensure that you set the FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON flag at least while playback is running using getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON);.

      Usually one would overwrite the activity Activity.onStart method and delegate the event:
        protected void onStart() {
      activity - The Activity that hosts the player view
    • resume

      public void resume()
      Call this method when the hosting activity resumes. This method resumes playback from a saved state when releasePlayer(boolean) was called before and player state was saved.

      Note that the playback of a saved state is only resumed if the current player controller is not running in background (see PlayerController.isBackgrounded()).

      Usually one would overwrite the activities Activity.onResume() method and delegate the event:

        protected void onResume() {

      Please note that you should not call this method directly in the activities onResume() callback if you are using a PlayerService. In that case, use onResume() to (re)connect to the service and depending on the state of the service, call this method when the service is connected.

    • releasePlayer

      public void releasePlayer(boolean background_playback)
      Call this method when the hosting activity stops. The method saves the player state so playback can be resumed later, when the user navigates back to the activity.

      If background_playback is true, the player controller will not be destroyed and should be handed off to the PlayerService to resume it from there later.

      If background_playback is false, the player controller will be destroyed using PlayerController.destroy().

      Usually one would overwrite the activities Activity.onStop() method and delegate the event:

        protected void onStop() {
      background_playback - True if the player will be send to background
    • addLifecycleListener

      public void addLifecycleListener(@NonNull PlayerViewLifecycleDelegate.LifecycleListener lifecycleListener)
      Adds a lifecycle delegate listener
      lifecycleListener - The listener
    • removeLifecycleListener

      public void removeLifecycleListener(@NonNull PlayerViewLifecycleDelegate.LifecycleListener lifecycleListener)
      lifecycleListener - the Listener
    • setResumeConfiguration

      public void setResumeConfiguration(@NonNull PlayerViewLifecycleDelegate.ResumeConfiguration resumeConfiguration)
      Sets the PlayerViewLifecycleDelegate.ResumeConfiguration.

      This configuration is used whenever resume() is called.

      resumeConfiguration - the configuration to set