Interface TrackSelectionListener

public interface TrackSelectionListener
This is a high level listener interface that provides callbacks for track selection events.

*NOTE* that all listener methods are invoked on the UI/main thread of your applications. You can directly interact with UI components from within the implementation of you listener.

  • Method Details

    • onVideoQualitySelectionChanged

      void onVideoQualitySelectionChanged(@NonNull VideoTrackQuality videoTrackQuality, int reason, @Nullable String switchDescription, long bufferedDurationUs, long bitrateEstimate)
      Called each time when starting to load a new media chunk.

      *NOTE* This is not when the actual quality starts playing, but rather when the ABR algorithm selects it. If you want to know when the player changes the (rendering) video quality use FormatChangeListener.onVideoFormatChange(Format, int, long, VideoTrackQuality) instead.

      videoTrackQuality - The selected quality
      reason - The selection reason. One of the C.SELECTION_REASON_* and SdkConsts.SELECTION_REASON_* constants
      switchDescription - Optional switch description
      bufferedDurationUs - The buffer ahead in microseconds at the time of the selection
      bitrateEstimate - The bandwidth estimation in bps at the time of the selection
    • onVideoTrackChanged

      void onVideoTrackChanged(@Nullable VideoTrack videoTrack)
      Called when the selected video track changes.
      videoTrack - VideoTrack or null if video is disabled
    • onAudioTrackChanged

      void onAudioTrackChanged(@Nullable AudioTrack audioTrack)
      Called when the selected audio track changes.
      audioTrack - AudioTrack or null if audio is disabled
    • onSubtitleTrackChanged

      void onSubtitleTrackChanged(@Nullable SubtitleTrack subtitleTrack)
      Called when the selected subtitle track changes.
      subtitleTrack - SubtitleTrack or null if subtitle is disabled