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ACTION_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as action in IntentFilter.addAction(String) to receive messages that a download has been completed
ACTION_DOWNLOAD_CREATED - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as action in IntentFilter.addAction(String) to receive messages that a download has been created
ACTION_DOWNLOAD_DELETED - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as action in IntentFilter.addAction(String) to receive messages that a download has been deleted
ACTION_DOWNLOAD_ERROR - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as action in IntentFilter.addAction(String) to receive messages that a download error occurred
ACTION_DOWNLOAD_NO_PENDING - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as action in IntentFilter.addAction(String) to receive messages that the download queue has no started downloads
ACTION_DOWNLOAD_PATH_UPDATE - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as action in IntentFilter.addAction(String) to receive messages that the path for a download has been updated, or failed to.
ACTION_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as action in IntentFilter.addAction(String) to receive messages that progress was made on the current download
ACTION_DOWNLOAD_STARTED - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as action in IntentFilter.addAction(String) to receive messages that a download has been started
ACTION_DOWNLOAD_STOPPED - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as action in IntentFilter.addAction(String) to receive messages that a download has been stopped
ACTION_DOWNLOAD_STORAGE_LOW - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as action in IntentFilter.addAction(String) to receive messages that the storage is insufficient to continue with downloads If this action is fired all ongoing Downloads (with states Download.STATE_LOADING or Download.STATE_QUEUED) will be automatically paused.
ACTION_DOWNLOAD_STORAGE_OK - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as action in IntentFilter.addAction(String) to receive messages that the device storage is sufficient to continue with downloads
allowNonScopedStorageDownload - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadServiceBinder
This flag indicates whether to allow downloads to be downloaded into system paths which are not part of the scoped storage.
autoStopService - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadServiceBinder
This flag indicates whether to stop the Service once there are no pending downloads.


com.castlabs.sdk.downloader - package com.castlabs.sdk.downloader
com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.v3retrofit - package com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.v3retrofit
createDownload(Download, boolean) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadServiceBinder
Stores the download internally and if the startDownload is set then adds the download into the download queue.


DEBUG - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloaderPlugin
Use this to enable debug log output * @param provider Notification provider
DEFAULT_DOWNLOADER_THREADS_PRIORITY - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloaderPlugin
Default priority value for downloader threads.
DEFAULT_METADATA_PERSIST_INTERVAL_MS - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloaderPlugin
Default interval in ms the download metadata is persisted into the storage.
DEFAULT_NUM_PARALLEL_DOWNLOADS - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloaderPlugin
Default number of parallel chunk downloads permitted
deleteDownload(String) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadServiceBinder
Deletes download identified by download Id.
Download - Class in com.castlabs.sdk.downloader
The download model class
Download(String, String, File, boolean) - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Create Download with specified Id, manifest URL and base folder for storage.
DOWNLOAD_UPDATE_PATH_RESULT_ERROR_DOWNLOAD_INVALID_STATE - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
The download path could not be updated due to the Download being in an invalid state.
DOWNLOAD_UPDATE_PATH_RESULT_ERROR_DOWNLOAD_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
The download path could not be updated due to that the Download could not be found.
DOWNLOAD_UPDATE_PATH_RESULT_ERROR_DOWNLOAD_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
The download path could not be updated due to an unknown error.
DOWNLOAD_UPDATE_PATH_RESULT_SUCCESS - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
The download path has been successfully updated.
Download.State - Annotation Type in com.castlabs.sdk.downloader
Downloader - Class in com.castlabs.sdk.downloader
Downloader.ModelReadyCallback - Interface in com.castlabs.sdk.downloader
Callback that is triggered after a Manifest URL was parsed and a model can be generated from the list of available tracks and qualities, see DownloadServiceBinder.prepareDownload(android.content.Context, android.os.Bundle, com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Downloader.ModelReadyCallback)
DownloaderPlugin - Class in com.castlabs.sdk.downloader
This plugin integrates the offline downloader plugin with the castLabs Player SDK.
DownloaderPlugin(DownloadNotificationProvider) - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloaderPlugin
Creates a new instance with support for 10 parallel segment downloads.
DownloaderPlugin(DownloadNotificationProvider, int) - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloaderPlugin
Creates a new instance.
DownloaderPlugin(DownloadNotificationProvider, int, int) - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloaderPlugin
Creates a new instance.
DownloaderPlugin(DownloadNotificationProvider, int, int, int, long) - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloaderPlugin
Creates a new instance.
DownloaderPlugin.StorageLowMode - Annotation Type in com.castlabs.sdk.downloader
DownloadNotificationProvider - Class in com.castlabs.sdk.downloader
Class to provide the DownloaderPlugin with the required info related to notifications for the foreground Downloader service.
DownloadNotificationProvider(int) - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadNotificationProvider
DownloadService - Class in com.castlabs.sdk.downloader
The download service that controls the download of requested content downloads.
DownloadService() - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadService
DownloadServiceBinder - Class in com.castlabs.sdk.downloader
The binder providing access to DownloadService.


equals(Object) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
ERROR_TYPE_CONNECTION_ERROR - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Error type that indicates a connectivity issue on the client device
ERROR_TYPE_DRM_ERROR - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Error type that indicates a DRM license fetching error.
ERROR_TYPE_HTTP_ERROR - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Error type for HTTP related download error.
ERROR_TYPE_UNKNOWN_ERROR - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Generic error type for errors that could not be identified more specifically


fetchLicense(Download, DrmConfiguration, DrmLicenseLoader.Callback) - Static method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadServiceBinder
Fetches the appropriate license for the given Download.
findDownloadById(String) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadServiceBinder
Finds download by download Id


getAudioTrackList(DashManifest, int) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.v3retrofit.TrackLoader
Loads audio tracks from the given DASH manifest
getAudioTrackList(SsManifest) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.v3retrofit.TrackLoader
Loads audio tracks from the given SmoothStreaming manifest
getAudioTracks() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Get all available (remote) audio tracks or null if no audio tracks are available.
getDownloadedSize() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Returns the size in bytes of the currently download data on disk.
getDownloads() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadServiceBinder
Returns a list of all downloads that are currently available in the storage
getDrmConfiguration() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Returns the content DRM configuration.
getEstimatedSize() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Returns the total size of all selected tracks of this download.
getHeaderParams() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Returns a Bundle with the extra header key:values that will be added to the requests.
getId() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
getId() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloaderPlugin
getLocalBaseFolder() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
The local folder that contains the files for this download.
getLocalManifestUrl() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Returns the path to the local Manifest.
getMergeVideoTracks() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
The flag specifying the video tracks should be merged or not
getNotification(DownloadServiceBinder, Context) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadNotificationProvider
Build and provide a notification.
getNotificationId() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadNotificationProvider
Returns the notification id provided in the constructor.
getQueryParams() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Returns a Bundle with the extra query params that will be added to the requests.
getRemoteUrl() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
getSelectedAudioTracks() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Get the array of selected audio tracks by index
getSelectedSubtitleTracks() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
getSelectedTrickPlayTrackQuality() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Get the index of the selected trick-play track
getSelectedVideoTrackQuality() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Get the index of the selected video track
getSize(int, int) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Returns the size of the chunk with the given media type, i.e SdkConsts.VIDEO, SdkConsts.AUDIO, SdkConsts.TEXT, or SdkConsts.OTHER, and its track index.
getSize(int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Returns the size of the chunk with the given media type, i.e SdkConsts.VIDEO, SdkConsts.AUDIO, SdkConsts.TEXT, or SdkConsts.OTHER, and its track index.
getState() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Get the current state of this download
getStorageLowThreshold(long) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloaderPlugin
Returns the storage low threshold in bytes
getSubtitleTrackDownloads() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
getSubtitleTracks() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Get all available (remote) subtitle tracks or null if no subtitle tracks are available.
getTextTrackList(DashManifest, int) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.v3retrofit.TrackLoader
Loads text tracks from the given DASH manifest
getTextTrackList(SsManifest) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.v3retrofit.TrackLoader
Loads video tracks from the given SmoothStreaming manifest
getTrickPlayTrackQualities() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
All available (remote) trick-play representations.
getVideoTrackList(DashManifest, boolean, int) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.v3retrofit.TrackLoader
Loads video tracks from the given DASH manifest
getVideoTrackList(SsManifest, boolean) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.v3retrofit.TrackLoader
Loads video tracks from the given SmoothStreaming manifest
getVideoTrackQualities() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
All available (remote) video representations.


handleMessage(Message) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
hashCode() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download


INTENT_DOWNLOAD_CATEGORY - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as category in IntentFilter.addCategory(java.lang.String) for filtering out the broadcasted downloader messages
INTENT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as Intent key to indicate the download error
INTENT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR_DRM - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as Intent key to find the DRM error.
INTENT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR_HTTP_STATUS - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as Intent key to find the http status error for errors of type MessageHandler.ERROR_TYPE_HTTP_ERROR.
INTENT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR_HTTP_URL - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as Intent key to find the URL that caused the error for errors of type MessageHandler.ERROR_TYPE_HTTP_ERROR.
INTENT_DOWNLOAD_ERROR_TYPE - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as Intent key to find the error type.
INTENT_DOWNLOAD_ID - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as Intent key to indicate the download Id
INTENT_DOWNLOAD_PATH_UPDATE_ERROR - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as Intent key to find the Exception in case there's been an error while updating the download path.
INTENT_DOWNLOAD_PATH_UPDATE_RESULT - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.MessageHandler
Use this as Intent key to find the result of the Download Path Update.


MessageHandler - Class in com.castlabs.sdk.downloader
The download message handler broadcasts downloader related messages:


onBind(Intent) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadService
onCreate() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadService
onDestroy() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadService
onDownloadEvent(DownloadServiceBinder, Intent) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadNotificationProvider
Called whenever a new Download event is fired.
onError(Exception) - Method in interface com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Downloader.ModelReadyCallback
Called when an error occurred while loading the manifest or preparing the data
onModelAvailable(Download) - Method in interface com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Downloader.ModelReadyCallback
Called with the current download model.
onStartCommand(Intent, int, int) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadService


pauseDownload(String) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadServiceBinder
Pauses download identified by download Id.
prepareDownload(Context, Bundle, Downloader.ModelReadyCallback) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadServiceBinder
Creates the download model by downloading and parsing the manifest.


removeLicense(Download, DrmConfiguration, DrmLicenseLoader.Callback) - Static method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadServiceBinder
Removes the appropriate license for the given Download.
resumeDownload(String) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadServiceBinder
Resumes download identified by download Id.
resumeQueuedDownloads() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadServiceBinder
Starts the downloader service and resumes downloading queued downloads.


setHeaderParams(Bundle) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Sets the headers to add to the download requests.
setQueryParams(Bundle) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Sets the query params to add to the download requests.
setSelectedAudioTracks(int[]) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Set the array of selected audio tracks
setSelectedSubtitleTracks(int[]) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Set the selected subtitle tracks by index
setSelectedTrickPlayTrackQuality(int) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Set the selected trick-play track quality using its index in the list of available representations.
setSelectedVideoTrackQuality(int) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
Set the selected video track quality using its index in the list of available representations.
setStorageLowThreshold(int, long) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloaderPlugin
Sets the threshold values that define when downloads are aborted due to not enough disk space.
shouldKeepNotification(DownloadServiceBinder) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadNotificationProvider
Whether the persistent notification should be cleared or not.
STATE_DONE - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
The download is completed
STATE_ERROR - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
At least one chunk download failed and the download is in error state
STATE_IDLE - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
The download is paused
STATE_LOADING - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
The download is currently downloading
STATE_QUEUED - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
The download is queued for loading
stopService() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadServiceBinder
Stops the DownloadService if it's running.
STORAGE_LOW_MODE_PAUSE - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloaderPlugin
Downloads will be put to Download.STATE_IDLE when a MessageHandler.ACTION_DOWNLOAD_STORAGE_LOW event is triggered.
STORAGE_LOW_MODE_QUEUED - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloaderPlugin
Downloads will be put to Download.STATE_QUEUED when a MessageHandler.ACTION_DOWNLOAD_STORAGE_LOW event is triggered.


toString() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download
TrackLoader - Class in com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.v3retrofit
Used only to migrate not completed v3.x.x downloads to v4.x.x
TrackLoader() - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.v3retrofit.TrackLoader


updateDownloadPath(String, String) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadServiceBinder
Updates the internal download path.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form