Serialized Form

  • Package com.castlabs.sdk.downloader

    • Class com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.Download

      class Download extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • audioTrackDownloads
          com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.TrackDownload[] audioTrackDownloads
          The audio track downloads for this download
        • audioTracks
          AudioTrack[] audioTracks
          All available audio tracks
        • bytesDownloaded
          long bytesDownloaded
          Downloaded bytes
        • chunks
          com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.DownloadChunk[] chunks
          All available chunks
        • contentType
          int contentType
        • drmConfiguration
          DrmConfiguration drmConfiguration
          Content DRM configuration
        • headersBundle
          Bundle headersBundle
        • id
          String id
          Unique identifier for this download
        • lastChunkIndex
          int lastChunkIndex
          Hellper to generate chunk indices
        • localBaseFolder
          File localBaseFolder
          The local base folder for this download
        • localManifestUrl
          String localManifestUrl
          Url to the local manifest
        • mergeVideoTracks
          boolean mergeVideoTracks
          The flag to merge video tracks
        • queryParamsBundle
          Bundle queryParamsBundle
        • remoteUrl
          String remoteUrl
          The remote URL to the Manifest or remote location
        • selectedAudioTracks
          int[] selectedAudioTracks
          Stores the track indices for all selected audio tracks
        • selectedSubtitleTracks
          int[] selectedSubtitleTracks
          Stores the track indices for all selected subtitle tracks
        • selectedTrickPlayTrackQuality
          int selectedTrickPlayTrackQuality
          The selected trick-play track quality to download
        • selectedVideoTrackQuality
          int selectedVideoTrackQuality
          The selected video track quality to download
        • state
          int state
          The current download state
        • subtitleTrackDownloads
          com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.TrackDownload[] subtitleTrackDownloads
          The text track downloads for this download
        • subtitleTracks
          SubtitleTrack[] subtitleTracks
          All available subtitle tracks
        • totalSizeCache
          long totalSizeCache
          Cache the total size here for performance reasons
        • trickPlayTrackDownloads
          com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.TrackDownload[] trickPlayTrackDownloads
          The trick-play track downloads for this download
        • trickPlayTrackQualities
          VideoTrackQuality[] trickPlayTrackQualities
          Add available trick-play track qualities
        • videoTrackDownloads
          com.castlabs.sdk.downloader.TrackDownload[] videoTrackDownloads
          The video track downloads for this download
        • videoTrackQualities
          VideoTrackQuality[] videoTrackQualities
          All available video qualities