Class DrmConfiguration

All Implemented Interfaces:
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public class DrmConfiguration extends Object implements Parcelable
Basic DRM configuration that can be used to query keys from a widevine proxy.

Please note that this is not sufficient in combination with DRMToday. To query keys from DRMToday, please use the DrmTodayConfiguration configuration instead.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final Parcelable.Creator<DrmConfiguration> CREATOR

      @NonNull public static final DrmConfiguration DEFAULT
    • url

      @Nullable public final String url
      The proxy URL
    • playClearSamplesWithoutKeys

      public final boolean playClearSamplesWithoutKeys
      If true, clear samples will be played while the key is fetched
    • offlineId

      @Nullable public final String offlineId
      This is used to identify this DRM Configuration and its asset when storing offline keys. Offline key storage is disabled if this is null.
    • drm

      @NonNull public final Drm drm
      The default DRM system. This is the requested DRM. If BestAvailable, use resolvedDrm() to get the one used on the device.
    • audioDrm

      @NonNull public final Drm audioDrm
      The DRM system used for audio tracks. If this is null drm will be used for both video and audio. This is the requested DRM. If BestAvailable, use resolvedAudioDrm() to get the one used on the device.
    • requestParameters

      @NonNull public final Bundle requestParameters
      Bundle that can be used to put additional request (header) parameters that will be send to the DRM backend during license requests.

      Note that all values need to be of type String!

    • keyRotation

      public final boolean keyRotation
      Enforce Key-Rotation support also on older devices before Android M. This is primarily indented for live content with changing keys where we need to enable session sharing support on older devices to make sure we can rotate keys.
    • forceWidevineL3

      public final boolean forceWidevineL3
      If set to true, Widevine L3 will be enforced. Note that this will prevent playback of DRM content where the license requires L1 security.

      This flag can be set for certain devices that are known to have broken secure decoder implementation to allow Widevine protected content playback.

    • renewalThresholdMs

      public final long renewalThresholdMs
      If set to non-zero and non-negative value then the Widevine license will be automatically renewed before renewalThresholdMs milliseconds of license expiration. Set to C.TIME_UNSET to disable the license renewal (default).

      Note: offlineId has to be set to a non-null and non-empty value as well

    • mediaDrmProperties

      @NonNull public final Bundle mediaDrmProperties
      This bundle contains key-value pairs as the properties of Widevine mediaDrm. Only values which are instances of String or byte[] will be applied and other value types will be ignored.
  • Constructor Details

    • DrmConfiguration

      @Deprecated public DrmConfiguration(@Nullable String url, boolean playClearSamplesWithoutKeys)
      Create a new configuration with an empty offline id
      url - The license server URL
      playClearSamplesWithoutKeys - True if clear sample will be played while fetching the key
    • DrmConfiguration

      @Deprecated public DrmConfiguration(@Nullable String url, boolean playClearSamplesWithoutKeys, @Nullable String offlineId)
      Create a new configuration using the best available DRM on the device
      url - The license server URL
      playClearSamplesWithoutKeys - True if clear sample will be played while fetching the key
      offlineId - The ID used to identify this asset when storing offline keys
    • DrmConfiguration

      @Deprecated public DrmConfiguration(@Nullable String url, boolean playClearSamplesWithoutKeys, @Nullable Drm drm)
      Create a new configuration using the best available DRM on the device
      url - The license server URL
      playClearSamplesWithoutKeys - True if clear sample will be played while fetching the key
      drm - The DRM system
    • DrmConfiguration

      @Deprecated public DrmConfiguration(@Nullable String url, boolean playClearSamplesWithoutKeys, @Nullable Drm drm, @Nullable String offlineId)
      Create a new configuration
      url - The license server URL
      playClearSamplesWithoutKeys - True if clear sample will be played while fetching the key
      drm - The DRM system
      offlineId - The ID used to identify this asset when storing offline keys
    • DrmConfiguration

      @Deprecated public DrmConfiguration(@Nullable String url, boolean playClearSamplesWithoutKeys, @Nullable Drm drm, @Nullable Drm audioDrm, @Nullable String offlineId)
      Create a new configuration
      url - The license server URL
      playClearSamplesWithoutKeys - True if clear sample will be played while fetching the key
      drm - The DRM system
      audioDrm - The DRM system used for audio tracks. If this is null, the main drm system will be used also for audio tracks
      offlineId - The ID used to identify this asset when storing offline keys
    • DrmConfiguration

      @Deprecated public DrmConfiguration(@Nullable String url, boolean playClearSamplesWithoutKeys, @Nullable Drm drm, @Nullable Drm audioDrm, @Nullable String offlineId, @NonNull Bundle requestParameters)
      Create a new configuration
      url - The license server URL
      playClearSamplesWithoutKeys - True if clear sample will be played while fetching the key
      drm - The DRM system
      audioDrm - The DRM system used for audio tracks. If this is null, the main drm system will be used also for audio tracks
      offlineId - The ID used to identify this asset when storing offline keys
      requestParameters - The bundle with additional request parameters
    • DrmConfiguration

      @Deprecated public DrmConfiguration(@Nullable String url, boolean playClearSamplesWithoutKeys, @Nullable Drm drm, @Nullable Drm audioDrm, @Nullable String offlineId, @NonNull Bundle requestParameters, boolean keyRotation, boolean forceWidevineL3)
      Create a new configuration
      url - The license server URL
      playClearSamplesWithoutKeys - True if clear sample will be played while fetching the key
      drm - The DRM system
      audioDrm - The DRM system used for audio tracks. If this is null, the main drm system will be used also for audio tracks
      offlineId - The ID used to identify this asset when storing offline keys
      requestParameters - The bundle with additional request parameters
      keyRotation - Enable key rotation also on older devices
      forceWidevineL3 - Force Widevine L3
    • DrmConfiguration

      @Deprecated public DrmConfiguration(@Nullable String url, boolean playClearSamplesWithoutKeys, @Nullable Drm drm, @Nullable Drm audioDrm, @Nullable String offlineId, @NonNull Bundle requestParameters, boolean keyRotation, boolean forceWidevineL3, long renewalThresholdMs)
      Create a new configuration
      url - The license server URL
      playClearSamplesWithoutKeys - True if clear sample will be played while fetching the key
      drm - The DRM system
      audioDrm - The DRM system used for audio tracks. If this is null, the main drm system will be used also for audio tracks
      offlineId - The ID used to identify this asset when storing offline keys
      requestParameters - The bundle with additional request parameters
      keyRotation - Enable key rotation also on older devices
      forceWidevineL3 - Force Widevine L3
      renewalThresholdMs - License renewal threshold in milliseconds or C.TIME_UNSET to disable renewals, see renewalThresholdMs
    • DrmConfiguration

      @Deprecated public DrmConfiguration(@Nullable String url, boolean playClearSamplesWithoutKeys, @Nullable Drm drm, @Nullable Drm audioDrm, @Nullable String offlineId, @NonNull Bundle requestParameters, boolean keyRotation, boolean forceWidevineL3, long renewalThresholdMs, @NonNull Bundle mediaDrmProperties)
      The constructor will have access level protected, use DrmConfiguration.Builder if not extending
      Create a new configuration
      url - The license server URL
      playClearSamplesWithoutKeys - True if clear sample will be played while fetching the key
      drm - The DRM system
      audioDrm - The DRM system used for audio tracks. If this is null, the main drm system will be used also for audio tracks
      offlineId - The ID used to identify this asset when storing offline keys
      requestParameters - The bundle with additional request parameters
      keyRotation - Enable key rotation also on older devices
      forceWidevineL3 - Force Widevine L3
      renewalThresholdMs - License renewal threshold in milliseconds or C.TIME_UNSET to disable renewals, see renewalThresholdMs
      mediaDrmProperties - The properties of mediaDrm
  • Method Details

    • resolvedDrm

      @Nullable public Drm resolvedDrm()
      The best available DRM if no explicit DRM was specified
      The source DRM or the best available DRM if the source selection is Drm.BestAvailable or null if no supported DRM was found
    • resolvedAudioDrm

      @Nullable public Drm resolvedAudioDrm()
      The best available DRM if no explicit DRM was specified.
      Selects the audio drm system based on the given selection and the device
    • getSecurityLevel

      @NonNull public SecurityLevel getSecurityLevel()
      the security level for the selected DRM on this device or SecurityLevel.SOFTWARE if the selected DRM is not supported by the devices and the security level can not be determined.
    • renewalEnabled

      public boolean renewalEnabled()
      true if the renewal is enabled in the current configuration, otherwise false. See renewalThresholdMs
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • describeContents

      public int describeContents()
      Specified by:
      describeContents in interface Parcelable
    • writeToParcel

      public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)
      Specified by:
      writeToParcel in interface Parcelable
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object