Class CasConfiguration

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CasConfiguration extends Object implements Parcelable
Basic CAS configuration that can be used to query keys from a widevine proxy.

  • Field Details

    • url

      @NonNull public final String url
      The proxy URL
    • googleProvisionURL

      @NonNull public final String googleProvisionURL
      The Google WVCAS Provision URL
    • casID

      public final int casID
      The casID of the headend system, WVCAS is 0x4AD4 by default
    • ecmDelayStart

      public final int ecmDelayStart
    • ageRestriction

      public final int ageRestriction
    • provisioningBytes

      @Nullable public final byte[] provisioningBytes
      ProvisionBytes is a byte array (String) that is the content identifier. This value has to be match with the value defined in Headend for this content, in order to get the correct content license.
    • requestProperties

      @Nullable public final Bundle requestProperties
      Bundle that can be used to put additional request (header) parameters that will be send to the DRM backend during license requests.

      Note that all values need to be of type String!


      public static final Parcelable.Creator<CasConfiguration> CREATOR
  • Constructor Details

    • CasConfiguration

      public CasConfiguration(String url, String googleProvisionURL, int casID, int ecmDelayStart, int ageRestriction, byte[] provisioningBytes, Bundle requestProperties)
      Create CAS configuration
      url - Proxy URL for license request
      googleProvisionURL - Google Device Provisioning URL
      casID - CAS System ID, default WVCAS_ID 0x4AD4
      ecmDelayStart - The delay in ms of starting process ECM data, used to fine tune ECM alignment
      ageRestriction - The age defined for the client side to access the content
      provisioningBytes - A byte array (String) for CAS system to identity the content, must match with CAS headend configuration
      requestProperties - Additional HTTP request header(s) used for CAS license request. Usually used with DRMtoday license request.
  • Method Details