Class BufferConfiguration

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BufferConfiguration extends Object implements Parcelable
Container object that stores the buffer configuration.

The primary parameter of the configuration is the buffer size in bytes (see bufferSizeBytes.

Beside the size, you can use this class to configure the parameters that are used to control the buffer state and when downloading data is permitted. The buffer internally maintains two states: "fill" and "drain". If the buffer is in "fill" state, it will permit downloading and adding data to the buffer until both "memory" and "time" are above their upper bounds. Once that happens, the buffer will switch to "drain" mode and no more downloads are permitted until either "time" or "memory" goes below their low values. Once "time" or "memory" are below their lower bounds, the buffer will switch to "fill" mode again.

The reason why the buffer is not constantly allowing downloads is that during the "drain" phase, the operating system can decide to deactivate the devices network interfaces periodically and safe battery. You can use PlayerController.setBufferConfiguration(BufferConfiguration) if you manually start the playback (note this has to be called before you call Alternatively you can use the Bundle key SdkConsts.INTENT_BUFFER_CONFIGURATION and pass a configuration to

  • Field Details


      public static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE
      The default buffer size in bytes. The default is 16 MB.
      See Also:

      public static final long DEFAULT_LOW_MEDIA_TIME
      The default value for lowMediaTimeMs. The default is 15 seconds.
      See Also:

      public static final long DEFAULT_HIGH_MEDIA_TIME
      The default value for highMediaTimeMs. The default is 60 seconds.
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SEGMENT_SIZE
      The default buffer segment size. The default is 64 KB
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_MIN_PLAYBACK_START_MS
      The default minimum playback start buffer. Default is 2.5 seconds.
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_MIN_REBUFFER_START_MS
      The default minimum rebuffer start buffer. Default is 5 seconds.
      See Also:

      public static final boolean DEFAULT_DRAIN_WHILE_CHARGING
      The default behaviour when charging. Default is false.
      See Also:

      public static final long DEFAULT_BACK_BUFFER_LENGTH_MS
      The default minimum back buffer length. Default is 0 seconds.
      See Also:

      public static final boolean DEFAULT_AUDIO_FEED_YIELD
      The default behaviour for audio renderer when feeding decoder. Default is true meaning audio renderer will not block other renderers (video) when feeding decoder.
      See Also:

      public static final boolean DEFAULT_VIDEO_FEED_YIELD
      The default behaviour for video renderer when feeding decoder. Default is true meaning video renderer will not block other renderers (audio) when feeding decoder.
      See Also:

      public static final boolean DEFAULT_PRIORITIZE_TIME_OVER_SIZE_THRESHOLDS
      The default value indicating whether the buffer time constraints are prioritized over buffer size constraints
      See Also:

      The default value indicating whether the buffered duration is evaluated based on playlist (manifest) tags like duration or based on audio and video data segments durations
      See Also:

      public static final Parcelable.Creator<BufferConfiguration> CREATOR
    • bufferSizeBytes

      public int bufferSizeBytes
      The buffer size in bytes
    • lowMediaTimeMs

      public long lowMediaTimeMs
      Time in milliseconds that will be used by the buffer controls to determine if the buffer needs to be filled. If the buffer contains data that accumulate to less than this time, the buffer can be put in "fill" state.
    • highMediaTimeMs

      public long highMediaTimeMs
      Time in milliseconds that will be used by the buffer controls to determine if the buffer can be drained. If the buffer contains data that accumulate to more than this time, the buffer can be put in "drain" state.
    • bufferSegmentSize

      public int bufferSegmentSize
      The internal buffer is divided into segment and this specifies the size of a single buffer segment.
    • minPlaybackStartMs

      public long minPlaybackStartMs
      The minimum duration of data that must be buffered for playback to start or resume following a user action such as a seek.
    • minRebufferStartMs

      public long minRebufferStartMs
      The minimum duration of data that must be buffered for playback to resume after a player invoked rebuffer (i.e. a rebuffer that occurs due to buffer depletion, and not due to a user action such as starting playback or seeking).
    • prioritizeTimeOverSizeThresholds

      public boolean prioritizeTimeOverSizeThresholds
      Flag indicating whether the buffer time constraints are prioritized over buffer size constraints lowMediaTimeMs and highMediaTimeMs. Use false to reduce the buffer size up to the value of bufferSizeBytes and do not use the mentioned above time constraints.

      Note, however, when set to false the buffer size may still go temporarily above the bufferSizeBytes in order to put the complete chunk into the buffer. Also, the buffer size will increase always in order to fill #minPlaybackStartMs and to allow playback uninterruptedly continue.

    • prioritizeInstreamOverManifestDuration

      public boolean prioritizeInstreamOverManifestDuration
      Flag indicating whether the buffered duration is evaluated based on playlist (manifest) tags like duration or based on audio/video data segments durations. The playlist and audio/video durations could become significantly different (seconds) after continuous playback (hours) and when the durations from manifest are not matching the audio/video segment durations. It is recommended to use true which is the default, in order for the player not to get into the stalled state after continuous playback.
    • drainWhileCharging

      public boolean drainWhileCharging
      Flag indicating whether the buffer should be drained (until minPlaybackStartMs is reached) or not.

      If false the buffer will "bounce" around the max state and never reach its min state. This can potentially reduce the chances of hitting a buffer underrun if the battery is charging.

    • backBufferDurationMs

      public long backBufferDurationMs
      Maximum duration of the back buffer. In other words, how much time are already played segments to remain in the buffer.

      Note that this value is independent and does not take into account other "forward" buffer parameters such as bufferSizeBytes. If this value is too high, it can lead to memory exhaustion.

    • audioFeedYieldEnabled

      public boolean audioFeedYieldEnabled
      The behaviour for audio renderer when feeding decoder. Set to true in order audio renderer not to block other renderers (video) when feeding decoder.
    • videoFeedYieldEnabled

      public boolean videoFeedYieldEnabled
      The behaviour for video renderer when feeding decoder. Set to true in order video renderer not to block other renderers (audio) when feeding decoder.
  • Constructor Details

    • BufferConfiguration

      public BufferConfiguration()
      Create a new buffer configuration using the default values
    • BufferConfiguration

      public BufferConfiguration(int bufferSizeBytes, long lowMediaTimeMs, long highMediaTimeMs)
      Create a new buffer configuration
      bufferSizeBytes - The buffer size in bytes
      lowMediaTimeMs - The media time that is considered "low"
      highMediaTimeMs - The media time that is considered "high"
  • Method Details