Class LiveConfiguration

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LiveConfiguration extends Object implements Parcelable
Configuration object that groups all relevant parameters related to live streaming. Use the LiveConfiguration.Builder to create instances of this class.
  • Field Details


      public static final Parcelable.Creator<LiveConfiguration> CREATOR

      See Also:

      public static final long DEFAULT_TIME_SYNC_SAFETY_MS
      See Also:
    • customUtcTimingElement

      public CustomUtcTimingElement customUtcTimingElement
      Custom CustomUtcTimingElement. This is used for live DASH content. If this is informed and forced with CustomUtcTimingElement.force it will take prevalence over any other UtcTimingElement present in the DASH manifest. If force is false, it will be used as a fallback.
    • liveEdgeLatencyMs

      public int liveEdgeLatencyMs
      Defines the number of milliseconds that the playback should lag behind the "live edge" (i.e. the end of the most recently defined media in the manifest). Choosing a small value will minimize latency introduced by the player. Hence a small value may increase the probability of rebuffering and playback failures.

      When the key is not set then the manifest specified value is used or otherwise the default value SdkConsts.DEFAULT_LIVE_EDGE_LATENCY_MS

      Note that this parameter can also be used to start the live stream at a different position! For example, if you have an event stream with a large seek window and you do not want to start at the live edge but further behind, use this parameter to specify how much behind the live edge you want to start.

      This value is also used for HLS live content. In case it is informed, it will override the HLS-specific setting hlsLiveTailSegmentIndex

      You can use the same parameter also to start playback at the beginning of the seek window rather than the live edge. For that, put Integer.MAX_VALUE as the value.

    • hlsLiveTailSegmentIndex

      public int hlsLiveTailSegmentIndex
      Defines the HLS segment index counting from the tail from which the live playback should start. Should be larger or equal to 0. In case the value goes out of the segment size boundaries the very first segment counting from the segments head is used.

      The liveEdgeLatencyMs field will prevail if it informed.

    • hlsPlaylistUpdateTargetDurationCoefficient

      public float hlsPlaylistUpdateTargetDurationCoefficient
      The default coefficient applied to playlist update interval when calculating the playlist update interval. Applied when the currently loaded playlist is not renewed. see also hlsForcePlaylistUpdateTargetDuration
    • hlsForcePlaylistUpdateTargetDuration

      public boolean hlsForcePlaylistUpdateTargetDuration
      Whether the hlsPlaylistUpdateTargetDurationCoefficient should also be applied when the currently loaded manifest is renewed.
    • catchupConfiguration

      @Nullable public CatchupConfiguration catchupConfiguration
      Defines the catchup configuration
    • minManifestUpdatePeriodMs

      public long minManifestUpdatePeriodMs
      By default the manifest update period is defined by the manifest. This configuration option can be used to overwrite the manifest setting and force a specific update period.
    • snapToSegmentStart

      public boolean snapToSegmentStart
      By default the start position for a live stream snaps to a segment start. Set this to false to allow starting a live stream in the middle of a segment. This is mostly relevant for ultra low latency live streams.
    • availabilityStartTimeOffsetOverwriteMs

      public long availabilityStartTimeOffsetOverwriteMs
      Overwrite or set the availability start time offset for ultra low latency streams.
    • timesyncSafetyMs

      public long timesyncSafetyMs
      Set the time synchronization safety buffer to cope with inaccuracies
    • notifyManifestIntervalMs

      public int notifyManifestIntervalMs
      Sets the manifest notify interval in milliseconds. This only applies for implicit live DASH manifests. Represents the time in between internal Timeline representation updates when manifest updates are not required. Can be particularly helpful for low latency streams. Default is 5000 ms.
    • preferLatencyOverBufferSafety

      public boolean preferLatencyOverBufferSafety
      If set to true, will seek on Live Content to drop startup buffers to be closer to the Live Edge.
  • Constructor Details

    • LiveConfiguration

      public LiveConfiguration()
      Create a new live configuration using the default values
    • LiveConfiguration

      public LiveConfiguration(CustomUtcTimingElement customUtcTimingElement, int liveEdgeLatencyMs, int hlsLiveTailSegmentIndex, float hlsPlaylistUpdateTargetDurationCoefficient, boolean hlsForcePlaylistUpdateTargetDuration, @Nullable CatchupConfiguration catchupConfiguration, long minManifestUpdatePeriodMs, boolean snapToSegmentStart, long availabilityStartTimeOffsetOverwriteMs, long timesyncSafetyMs, int notifyManifestIntervalMs, boolean preferLatencyOverBufferSafety)
      Create a new live configuration
      customUtcTimingElement - A CustomUTCTimingElement
      liveEdgeLatencyMs - Number of milliseconds that the playback should lag behind the live edge
      hlsLiveTailSegmentIndex - The HLS live tail segment index
      hlsPlaylistUpdateTargetDurationCoefficient - The target duration coefficient for playlist update interval.
      hlsForcePlaylistUpdateTargetDuration - Whether to force the target duration coefficient when defining the playlist update interval
      catchupConfiguration - Playback catchup configuration
      minManifestUpdatePeriodMs - Force the update period for live streams or set it to C.TIME_UNSET to use the value define in the manifest (default)
      snapToSegmentStart - Set this to false to allow starting live streams in the middle of a segment
      availabilityStartTimeOffsetOverwriteMs - Set or overwrite the availability start time offset. Set to C.TIME_UNSET to use the default from the manifest
      timesyncSafetyMs - Set the time sync safety to cope with inaccurate time syncs
      notifyManifestIntervalMs - Set the manifest notify interval in milliseconds. Only for DASH.
  • Method Details