Interface PlayerViewPlugin.PlayerViewComponent

All Known Implementing Classes:
PlayerViewPlugin.SingleViewPlayerViewComponent, SubtitlesViewComponent
Enclosing interface:

public static interface PlayerViewPlugin.PlayerViewComponent
Implementations of this view component can be used to gain controlled access to a IPlayerView and its PlayerController.

The component can use the IPlayerView or its PlayerController to add event listeners and get callbacks during the playback lifecycle.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getViewElevation

      int getViewElevation()
      Will be used by the IPlayerView to decide in which order the different Components will attach their Views. Higher values will be called later, and thus being "higher" in terms of z-ordering.
      the elevation required by this PlayerViewComponent
    • id

      @Nullable Class id()
      Returns the class that is used to identify this component when it is registered with the player view. This is what you need to pass to PlayerView.getComponent(Class) to get the registered instance of this component.
      The class that identifies this component.
    • attachToPlayerView

      @NonNull Collection<? extends View> attachToPlayerView(@NonNull PlayerView playerView)
      Create any necessary Views, attach them to the given PlayerView and return them.
      playerView - the PlayerView to which attach the views
      The created Views.