Interface IPlayerView

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IPlayerView
This interface describes the visual component of the video player. It is used in conjunction with a PlayerController. Once the controller is available, you need to set the view using PlayerController.setPlayerView(IPlayerView).
  • Method Details

    • getRootView

      @NonNull ViewGroup getRootView()
      Retrieve the root view of the current IPlayerView implementation. The video container view is added internally to the root view with the index zero. All other child views when added to the root view are on top of video container view and do not respect the video container aspect ratio.
      The root view of the current IPlayerView implementation
    • getVideoView

      @NonNull ViewGroup getVideoView()
      Retrieve the video container view of the current IPlayerView implementation. All the child view when added to the video container view do respect the video container aspect ratio.
      The video container view of the current IPlayerView implementation
    • setVisible

      void setVisible(boolean visible)
      Allow to show ore hide this player view. This is used by the player controller in case the the player view needs to be made invisible. For example, if a secondary display is connected and content playback should be prevented, playback will stop and this method will be used hide the player view.
      visible - True if the view should be visible
    • prepareSurface

      void prepareSurface()
      This method is called by the PlayerController once the player and the renderer are available. Implementations should create the video surface here and push it to the controller using PlayerController.setSurface(Surface).

      Please note that you usually also need to setup a listener on the surface and delegate create and destroy events to the underlying player controller also using PlayerController.setSurface(Surface).

    • removeSurface

      void removeSurface()
      This method is called by the PlayerController once the player is released. Implementations should remove the video surface if it exists.
    • getPlayerController

      @NonNull PlayerController getPlayerController()
      Returns the current instance of the PlayerController that is used by this view.

      Note that you can create the controller lazily here as well, but the implementation must be able to take a controller instance through setPlayerController(PlayerController). In addition, if you are creating the controller here, make sure that the bi-directional link between the view and the controller is established by calling PlayerController.setPlayerView(IPlayerView).

      The player controller instance that is used to render video to this view
    • tryPlayerController

      @Nullable PlayerController tryPlayerController()
      Returns the current instance of the PlayerController that is used by this view.

      Note that you do not create the controller lazily here.

      The player controller instance that is used to render video to this view
    • setPlayerController

      void setPlayerController(@Nullable PlayerController playerController)
      Set the player controller used by this view.

      The implementation must ensure that the bi-directional link between the controller and this view is established (or reset if a controller already exists). You must call PlayerController.setPlayerView(IPlayerView) to establish this link.

      In addition, this method might be called with a null argument, which indicates that the view is disposed and should break the relation with the current controller. In that case the implementation must ensure to call PlayerController.setPlayerView(IPlayerView) with a null argument and remove any listeners that were attached to the controller.

      This is used for example when reattaching to an existing controller.. When you are using a PlayerService, the service will automatically reattach the controller and call this method. When you are using the view without a service, the view should create a controller for you automatically when getPlayerController() is called the first time.

      playerController - The player controller
    • getLifecycleDelegate

      @NonNull PlayerViewLifecycleDelegate getLifecycleDelegate()
      This method must return an instance of the PlayerViewLifecycleDelegate. That instance can be used to integrate the view and its controller with an Activity lifecycle. Please note that the returned instance might also be used implicitly when the PlayerService is used and the player is send to background.
      The lifecycle delegate that is used to integrate this view into activity life cycles
    • getScalingMode

      int getScalingMode()
    • setScalingMode

      void setScalingMode(int scalingMode)