Class ThumbsPlugin


public class ThumbsPlugin extends Plugin
This plugin can be registered with the player to add support for thumbnails in different formats.

The plugin module exposes two main interfaces, ThumbnailLoader to load raw images from a data source and ThumbnailProvider that handles the asynchronous delivery to a view.

The plugin expose a default ThumbnailProvider through PlayerController.getComponent(Class) if playback is started with an intent bundle, i.e. is used to start playback. The provider assumes that you add an instance of ThumbnailDataTrack with the key INTENT_THUMBNAILS_DATA to the bundle. If that is the case the provider will be fully initialized and can be accessed through:

     ThumbnailProvider provider = playerController.getComponent(ThumbnailProvider.class);
The provider can then be used in a View to render thumbnail images. The plugin also provides DefaultThumbnailView as a default implementation. You can use that view to add it manually to you view hierarchy, but you can also register the plugin with the default view component enabled. In that case in instance of DefaultThumbnailView will automatically added to the PlayerView and will be initialized with the provider component. In that case you can access the component through PlayerView.getComponent(Class), for example:

     ThumbnailViewComponent thumbsView = playerView.getComponent(ThumbnailViewComponent.class);

The view component exposes, DefaultThumbnailView.Callback) and ThumbsPlugin.ThumbnailViewComponent.hide() to control thumbnail rendering.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ThumbsPlugin

      public ThumbsPlugin(boolean useDefaultView)
      Create a new instance of this plugin. You can specify if the default renderer view should be registered. If you want to use the default renderer view, see ThumbsPlugin.ThumbnailViewComponent for more information how to access and use the view.
      useDefaultView - Register the default renderer view
  • Method Details

    • setLoadingStrategy

      public void setLoadingStrategy(@NonNull LoadingStrategy loadingStrategy)
      Sets the LoadingStrategy to use for loading thumbnails. Applies for VTT, JPG and DASH embedded thumbnails.

      Can be later set at runtime, between playback sessions through ThumbnailProvider.setLoadingStrategy(LoadingStrategy).

      loadingStrategy - the strategy to use. Must be non null and contain at least one Wave.
      See Also:
    • getId

      @NonNull public String getId()
      Specified by:
      getId in class Plugin
    • createProvider

      @Nullable public static ThumbnailProvider createProvider(@NonNull PlayerController playerController, @NonNull ThumbnailDataTrack thumbnailData, @NonNull LoadingStrategy loadingStrategy, @Nullable String manifestUrl)
      playerController - The player controller instance
      thumbnailData - The thumbnail data
      loadingStrategy - The thumbnail loading strategy
      manifestUrl - URL to the manifest that is used to infer the absolute URL to the thumbnails in case url is relative
      The provider
      IllegalArgumentException - in case the type of the thumbnail format is not specified and could not be inferred.
    • createProvider

      @Nullable public static ThumbnailProvider createProvider(@NonNull PlayerController playerController, @NonNull ThumbnailDataTrack thumbnailData, @NonNull LoadingStrategy loadingStrategy, @Nullable String manifestUrl, @Nullable com.castlabs.sdk.thumbs.ThumbnailLoader.Factory loaderFactory)
      Create a thumbnail provider based on the type. If the type is unknown, it will be inferred from the extension (i.e. .bif, .vtt, or .jpg of the URL. If the type could not be inferred, an exception is raised.
      playerController - The player controller instance
      thumbnailData - The thumbnail data
      loadingStrategy - The thumbnail loading strategy
      manifestUrl - URL to the manifest that is used to infer the absolute URL to the thumbnails in case url is relative
      loaderFactory - The thumbnail loader factory. If null the default factory will be generated
      The provider
      IllegalArgumentException - in case the type of the thumbnail format is not specified and could not be inferred.
    • getThumbnailLoadThreads

      public static int getThumbnailLoadThreads()
      Returns the number of Threads that will be used to load image-based Thumbnails.
      the number of Threads that will be used for Thumbnail loading
    • setThumbnailLoadThreads

      public static void setThumbnailLoadThreads(int loadThreadCount)
      Set the number of Threads that will be used to load image-based Thumbnails.
      loadThreadCount - number of Threads