
The SDK provides a playlist-like behaviour through the PlaylistAPI interface. It is possible to implement multiple strategies or modes and expose it from a plugin.


Currently there are 2 playlist modes implemented.

Native Queue

Exposed by CastlabsApple in HLSPlugin plugin.

It is an extensive and integrated wrapper over AVQueuePlayer implementation. Native AVQueuePlayer is responsible for preloading and maintaining streaming items.

Item Replace

Exposed by CastlabsApple in HLSPlugin plugin.

It uses single player. On item change the player replaces the current item played. Effectively there is also only single, current item added to the player.

The plugin has partial control over how an item is loaded.

Basic Usage

Ensure the HLSPlugin is enabled when registering the SDK, e.g.

import PRESTOplay
import CastlabsApple

let res = PRESTOplaySDK.shared.register("LICENSE", [HLSPlugin()])

Create a player instance and load your playlist:

let player = PRESTOplaySDK.shared.player()
let playlist = PRESTOplaySDK.shared.playlist(for: player, mode: .nativeQueue)

let simplePlaylist = [
    PlayerConfiguration(with: URL(string: "stream1")!),
    PlayerConfiguration(with: URL(string: "stream2")!),
    PlayerConfiguration(with: URL(string: "stream3")!)
playlist?.load(items: simplePlaylist)

You can control player with regular PlayerAPI interface.

To play next or previous items:
