Class DrmLicenseLoader


public class DrmLicenseLoader extends Object
Use the DrmLicenseLoader.Builder to create instances of the license loader. The loader works asynchronously and you need to provide a callback implementation to be informed about potential error and the successful license deliveries.

Please note that you need to specify a unique ID for the DRM configuration DrmConfiguration.offlineId and configure the local key storage accordingly (see PlayerSDK.DEFAULT_KEY_STORE).

  • Method Details

    • fetchLicense

      public static boolean fetchLicense(@NonNull Bundle playbackBundle, @NonNull KeyStore keyStore)
      Fetches the license and store it in the key store
      playbackBundle - The playback bundle
      keyStore - The key store to use
      true if the fetch was successful and otherwise false
    • fetchLicense

      public static boolean fetchLicense(@NonNull PlayerConfig config, @NonNull KeyStore keyStore)
      Fetches the license and store it in the key store
      config - The playback config
      keyStore - The key store to use
      true if the fetch was successful and otherwise false
    • load

      public void load()
      Triggers an asynchronous license loading. The license loading happens on a dedicated thread in the background. The callback provided will be called to inform about errors or a successful license delivery.
      NullPointerException - if mandatory data are not specified
    • remove

      public void remove()
      Triggers an asynchronous license removal. The license loading happens on a dedicated thread in the background. The callback provided will be called to inform about errors or a successful license removal.

      Some DRM vendors, such as Widevine, require a request to be performed against the license delivery server. This is why Internet connection might be required.

      On license removal success, the corresponding key in the PlayerSDK.DEFAULT_KEY_STORE will also be removed.