Class PlayerConfig

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PlayerConfig extends Object implements Parcelable
Object which represents a specific Player configuration.

You can use a PlayerConfig object to start playback on a PlayerController calling its method.

An instance can be built with the PlayerConfig.Builder. The Builder can be populated with an already existing PlayerConfig or with a Bundle.

It is possible to convert an instance of PlayerConfig toBundle(). This Bundle can also be used to the PlayerController.

This class is Parcelable.

  • Field Details


      public static final String INTENT_CONFIGURATION_URL
      Intent key to specify an optional URL to an API endpoint that can be used to refresh the configuration.

      This is intended only informative purposes, no actual refreshing will be performed by the SDK.

      See Also:

      public static final String INTENT_CONFIGURATION_ID
      A unique ID for the configuration
      See Also:

      public static final String INTENT_LIVE
      Indicates live content
      See Also:

      public static final String INTENT_THREESIXTY
      Indicates 360 degree content
      See Also:

      public static final String INTENT_METADATA
      Additional Bundle-formatted meta-data such as poster images, titles, byline and any custom meta-data
      See Also:

      public static final String INTENT_PREFERRED_CODEC_INFOS
      Preferred media codec infos
      See Also:
    • positionUs

      public final long positionUs
      The position in microseconds. If set, LiveConfiguration.liveEdgeLatencyMs will be ignored. If there's an InitialPositionProvider, it will take precedence over this setting.
    • clippingStartUs

      public final long clippingStartUs
      The clipping start position in microseconds
    • clippingEndUs

      public final long clippingEndUs
      The clipping end position in microseconds
    • subtitlesTrackGroupIndex

      public final int subtitlesTrackGroupIndex
      The index of the selected subtitle track group or -1 for if subtitles are disabled
    • subtitlesTrackIndex

      public final int subtitlesTrackIndex
      The index of the selected subtitle track or -1 for if subtitles are disabled
    • audioTrackGroupIndex

      public final int audioTrackGroupIndex
      The index of the selected audio track group
    • audioTrackIndex

      public final int audioTrackIndex
      The index of the selected audio track
    • volume

      public final float volume
      The audio track volume
    • pauseOnHdmiDisconnected

      public final boolean pauseOnHdmiDisconnected
      Enable or disable automatic pausing on HDMI disconnected
    • videoTrackGroupIndex

      public final int videoTrackGroupIndex
      The index of the selected video track group
    • abrConfiguration

      public final AbrConfiguration abrConfiguration
      The initial video quality
    • bufferConfiguration

      public final BufferConfiguration bufferConfiguration
      The buffer configuration
    • liveConfiguration

      @Nullable public final LiveConfiguration liveConfiguration
      The Live configuration
    • networkConfiguration

      @NonNull public final NetworkConfiguration networkConfiguration
      The network configuration
    • trickplayConfiguration

      @NonNull public final TrickplayConfiguration trickplayConfiguration
      The Trickplay configuration
    • enableTrickplayMode

      public final boolean enableTrickplayMode
      Enable Trickplay mode at the start of the playback.
      See Also:
    • enableDashEventCallback

      public final boolean enableDashEventCallback
      Enable internal handling of DASH event callbacks
    • mergeVideoTracks

      public final boolean mergeVideoTracks
      If True, the video tracks will be merged into a single video track
    • enableWorkaroundEveryVideoFrameIsSyncFrame

      public final boolean enableWorkaroundEveryVideoFrameIsSyncFrame
      If True, the workaround will be enabled to not treat the video frames as sync frames except the very first one. This flag may be needed to set up when the metadata of a video frame reports the video frame to be a sync frame (which is not in fact) but should not be treated as a sync frame by the decoder i.e. without the workaround the video artifacts appear upon every playback start and seek until the real key frame is rendered.
    • clipPeriods

      public final boolean clipPeriods
      If true then media periods will be clipped to their durations (currently is only applicable for DASH streams)
    • forceInStreamDrmInitData

      public final boolean forceInStreamDrmInitData
      If true then DRM init data from segments will be used instead of the one from manifest (currently is only applicable for DASH streams)
    • videoCodecFilter

      public final int videoCodecFilter
      The video codec filter
    • videoSizeFilter

      public final Point videoSizeFilter
      The video size filter
    • preferredCodecInfos

      @NonNull public final List<MediaCodecInfo> preferredCodecInfos
    • downloadFolder

      @Nullable public final String downloadFolder
      Download folder in case the content is played offline
    • enableTunneling

      public final boolean enableTunneling
      Enable tunneling support
    • enableTunnelingWithoutAudio

      public final boolean enableTunnelingWithoutAudio
      Force using of tunneling when audio track is disabled. To take effect the enableTunneling should also be on.
    • analyticsSessionType

      public final int analyticsSessionType
      Analytics session type
    • userID

      @Nullable public final String userID
      User ID. Unique identifier for the current user.
    • adRequest

      @Nullable public final AdRequest adRequest
      The Ad request (if any)
    • enableAdSpeedUp

      public final boolean enableAdSpeedUp
      The flag to enable or disable automatic setting of a speed to 1x when playing ads.
    • restoreSpeed

      public final boolean restoreSpeed
      The flag to enable or disable automatic restoring of a speed after playing ads.
    • configurationUrl

      @Nullable public final String configurationUrl
      Optional configuration backend url
    • id

      @NonNull public final String id
      ID for this content
    • contentUrl

      @NonNull public final String contentUrl
      Playback url
    • contentType

      public final int contentType
      The content format
    • autoPlay

      public final boolean autoPlay
      Whether to autoplay or not
    • live

      public final boolean live
      Content live or VoD
    • threesixty

      public final boolean threesixty
      360 support
    • preferredTextLanguage

      @Nullable public final String preferredTextLanguage
      Preferred subtitles language
    • preferredAudioLanguage

      @Nullable public final String preferredAudioLanguage
      Preferred audio language
    • sideloadedTracks

      @NonNull public final List<SideloadedTrack> sideloadedTracks
      Array of side-loaded tracks, either subtitles or thumbnails
    • metaData

      @Nullable public final Bundle metaData
      Optional metadata
    • contentParameters

      @Nullable public final Bundle contentParameters
      Header params to add to content (manifest) requests
    • segmentParameters

      @Nullable public final Bundle segmentParameters
      Header params to add to segment requests
    • contentQueryParameters

      public final Bundle contentQueryParameters
      Query params to add to content (manifest) requests
    • segmentQueryParameters

      @Nullable public final Bundle segmentQueryParameters
      Query params to add to segment requests
    • drmConfiguration

      @Nullable public final DrmConfiguration drmConfiguration
      Drm configuration (if any)
    • casConfiguration

      @Nullable public final CasConfiguration casConfiguration
      Cas configuration (if any)
    • preservePlayerViewSurface

      public final boolean preservePlayerViewSurface
      If set to true and the PlayerView is used, the playback surface be kept on screen and preserved when the player player is released. This allows to reuse (instead of re-create) the playback surface and can also be used to keep the last frame on screen even if the underlying player was already released.
    • pushBlackScreenOnDispose

      public final boolean pushBlackScreenOnDispose
      If true, indicates if the decoder should push a black screen to the surface when disposed. This is only relevant if you enabled preservePlayerViewSurface
    • useStandaloneMediaClock

      public boolean useStandaloneMediaClock
      If set to true, will use Exoplayer's StandaloneMediaClock instead of the Renderer Clock.
    • enableLooping

      public final boolean enableLooping
      If set to true then the playback looping will be enabled and the player will automatically restart the playback after reaching end of content
    • analyticsMetaData

      @Nullable public AnalyticsMetaData analyticsMetaData
      The analytics meta-data
    • audioAttributes

      @Nullable public AudioAttributes audioAttributes
      The Audio Attributes. If set to SdkConsts.AUDIO_ATTRIBUTES_FOCUS_DISABLED, the SDK won't request Audio Focus and play sound regardless of it. It is recommended to provide an instance of AudioAttributes, or at least use the default configuration.
    • adSchedule

      @Nullable public AdSchedule adSchedule
      Describes a custom ad schedule.
    • videoFilterConfiguration

      @NonNull public final VideoFilterConfiguration videoFilterConfiguration
      The video filter configuration
    • useEth0

      @Nullable public final boolean useEth0
      A boolean flag to indicate to use eth0 for multicast reception
    • videoDecoderFallback

      public final boolean videoDecoderFallback
      If true (default), allows the player to fallback to other decoders if it failed to initialize the primary decoder. This can for instance happen if the primary decoder is a hardware implementation and is already blocked by another playback session. In that case, secondary decoders, i.e. software implementations, will be used if possible.
    • audioDecoderFallback

      public final boolean audioDecoderFallback
      If true (default), allows the player to fallback to other decoders if it failed to initialize the primary decoder. This can for instance happen if the primary decoder is a hardware implementation and is already blocked by another playback session. In that case, secondary decoders, i.e. software implementations, will be used if possible.
    • unsecureDecoderFallback

      public final boolean unsecureDecoderFallback
      If true (default), allows the player to fallback to unsecure decoders if it failed to initialize the primary decoder. This requires videoDecoderFallback to also be enabled.
    • allowHlsChunklessPreparation

      public final boolean allowHlsChunklessPreparation
      If set to true, chunk-less preparation of hls tracks are allowed
    • subtitleSubSampleType

      public final int subtitleSubSampleType
      Defines whether the subtitle times are absolute or relative. Could be one of SdkConsts.SUBTITLE_SUB_SAMPLE_TYPE_ABSOLUTE or SdkConsts.SUBTITLE_SUB_SAMPLE_TYPE_RELATIVE

      public static final Parcelable.Creator<PlayerConfig> CREATOR
  • Method Details

    • guessFormat

      public static int guessFormat(@NonNull String url)
      Guess the format of the or return SdkConsts.CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN.
      url - the url to the content
      the format or SdkConsts.CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN
    • save

      public void save(@NonNull Bundle bundle)
      Saves the current configuration into a Bundle.
      bundle - the Bundle to which store the PlayerConfig
    • toBundle

      public Bundle toBundle()
      Obtain a Bundle filled with key-value pairs representing the current configuration. This Bundle can be used to start playback on a PlayerController.
      the Bundle
    • buildUpon

      public PlayerConfig.Builder buildUpon()
      Set the Builder values to the stored values in the Bundle.
      the Builder
    • describeContents

      public int describeContents()
      Specified by:
      describeContents in interface Parcelable
    • writeToParcel

      public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)
      Specified by:
      writeToParcel in interface Parcelable
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object