Class TrickplayConfiguration

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class TrickplayConfiguration extends Object implements Parcelable
Container which groups several Trickplay (speedup) configuration.
  • Field Details


      public static final Parcelable.Creator<TrickplayConfiguration> CREATOR
    • speedupMode

      public final TrickplayConfiguration.SpeedupMode speedupMode
    • speed

      public final float speed
      The playback speed. 1 corresponds to normal playback and negative values to rewind playback.
      See Also:
    • preferTrickPlayTracks

      public final boolean preferTrickPlayTracks
      If enabled, and the content contains a Trickplay (usually I-frame only) track, it will be selected during Trickplay playback.
    • forceUnreferencedTrickPlayTracks

      public final boolean forceUnreferencedTrickPlayTracks
      If enabled, and the content contains a Trickplay (usually I-frame only) tracks, the first one will be selected even no trick play track can be related to the currently selected main video. If disabled and trick tracks are present but can not be referenced to the main video, then no trick track but main video will be selected
    • trickplayTrack

      public final VideoTrackQuality trickplayTrack
      If informed, this will be the track that will be loaded for trickplay playback. Takes preference over maxTrackBitrate.
    • maxTrackBitrate

      public final int maxTrackBitrate
      Defines the maximum bitrate for Trickplay track selection, if preferTrickPlayTracks is set to true. trickplayTrack will take preference over this setting if it is informed.

      If you want to select the lowest rendition for trickplay playback set this value to 0, or to Integer.MAX_VALUE to select the highest one. Setting one of these values will disable any ABR algorithm.

    • keepAudioEnabled

      public final boolean keepAudioEnabled
      Whether to keep audio renderer enabled during trickplay.
    • keepDashEventCallbackEnabled

      public final boolean keepDashEventCallbackEnabled
      Whether to keep PlayerConfig.enableDashEventCallback enabled during trickplay.
    • maxSeekFps

      public final double maxSeekFps
      Maximum amount of frames per second to show during seek mode. Must be &gt; 0 Indicates the maximum number of Seek operations per second allowed. Only applicable in Seek mode.
    • seekModeFrameRenderedTimeoutMs

      public final long seekModeFrameRenderedTimeoutMs
      Timeout in milliseconds to force a new seek operation after the pause State is received. Must be &ge; 0 Only applicable in seek mode.
  • Constructor Details

    • TrickplayConfiguration

      public TrickplayConfiguration()
    • TrickplayConfiguration

      public TrickplayConfiguration(@NonNull TrickplayConfiguration.SpeedupMode speedupMode, float speed, boolean preferTrickPlayTracks, boolean forceUnreferencedTrickPlayTracks, boolean keepAudioEnabled, boolean keepDashEventCallbackEnabled, int maxTrackBitrate, @Nullable VideoTrackQuality trickplayTrack, double maxSeekFps, long seekModeFrameRenderedTimeoutMs)
  • Method Details