Class LoadingStrategy.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static final class LoadingStrategy.Builder extends Object
Builder for LoadingStrategy. Waves can be added to the Strategy by chaining the addXWave methods. Note that order *is* important. Waves will be processed sequentially in adding order. The waves should be added in ascending order of density. For instance, adding a TimeWave of 1 minute followed by another of 10 seconds makes sense. But, if the order of those two waves was inverted, the first wave would load Thumbs every 10 seconds already and then the 1-minute wave would be useless.
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
      Empty Builder
    • Builder

      public Builder(@NonNull LoadingStrategy loadingStrategy)
      Create a Builder with the provided LoadingStrategy
      loadingStrategy - the strategy to initialise the Builder.
  • Method Details

    • addTimeWave

      public LoadingStrategy.Builder addTimeWave(int time, @NonNull TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Adds a time Wave. Time waves define the amount of time between thumbnails.
      time - Time to be the gap between any two consecutive loaded thumbnails
      timeUnit - TimeUnit. Must be greater or equal to 0.
      the builder
    • addPercentageWave

      public LoadingStrategy.Builder addPercentageWave(float percentage)
      Adds a percentage Wave. Defines the time percentage of the media between thumbnails.
      percentage - percentage of the media to be the gap between any two consecutive loaded thumbnails. Must be between 0 and 1.
      the builder
    • addStepWave

      public LoadingStrategy.Builder addStepWave(int step)
      Adds a Step Wave. Defines the separation between the thumbnails, regardless of their duration.
      step - the separation between two consecutive loaded thumbnails. Must be 1 or greater.
      the builder
    • loadStartDelayMs

      public LoadingStrategy.Builder loadStartDelayMs(long loadStartDelayMs)
      Time in milliseconds after which the Thumbnails will start to be loaded. Set to 0 to start loading immediately upon playback start. Set C.TIME_UNSET to start loading only on-demand, whenever ThumbnailProvider.getThumbnail(long, ThumbnailProvider.Callback, int) is called for the first time. Default is C.TIME_UNSET
      loadStartDelayMs - delay time until thumbnail load start.
      the builder
    • get

      public LoadingStrategy get()
      Builds the LoadingStrategy with the Waves
      LoadingStrategy instance