
The SDK comes with a ThumbnailsPlugin that has the ability to return a thumbnail image for a given timestamp.

Basic Usage

Ensure the ThumbnailsPlugin is enabled when registering the SDK, e.g.

import PRESTOplay
import CastlabsThumbnails

let res = PRESTOplaySDK.shared.register("LICENSE", [ThumbnailsPlugin()])

Once the player session is created, load the thumbnail images and timing information:

PRESTOplaySDK.shared.thumbnails(for: player)?.loadThumbnailsFrom(webVTTtrack: url) { error in
    if let error = error {
        // Handle error
    } else {
    // Thumbnails are ready to use

Currently the thumbnails can be loaded by a WebVTT file or Master Grid Image.

Retrieve the image for a particular point in time:

let thumbnails = PRESTOplaySDK.shared.thumbnails(for: player)
thumbnails?.getThumbnail(webVTTtrack: url) { error in
    // Handle the error

if let thumbnail = PRESTOplaySDK.shared.thumbnails(for: player)?.getThumbnail(atTimestamp: timestamp)
// Use thumbnail image data

The client code could then, for example, take this data to construct a UIImageView object and then display it on the UI when the player seekbar is being touched.

WebVTT track

You can encode your thumbnail images using the WebVTT format.


00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:09.999

00:00:10.000 --> 00:00:19.999

00:00:20.000 --> 00:00:29.999

The timestamp needs to be in the exact (HH:)MM:SS.MMM format.

We also support the usage of grid images where you can store more than one image at once. You need to append the coordinate to each thumbnail in the WebVTT file


00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:09.999

00:00:10.000 --> 00:00:19.999

00:00:20.000 --> 00:00:29.999

You can pass a local or remote url to the player.

For bundled local WebVTT file please make sure all the grid images are also bundled at the same path as WebVTT file (or relative to):

or are a valid Url to the image:


00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:10.000,0,262,180

00:00:10.000 --> 00:00:20.000,0,262,180

00:00:20.000 --> 00:00:30.000,0,262,180

Master grid images

We provide a custom way to generate grid master images. This is done by initializing a GridThumbnail with a few details and passing it to the loadThumbnailsFrom() method. E.g.

let gridInfo = GridThumbnail(
    baseUrl: "",
    pathTemplate: "$index$_7.jpg",
    gridHeight: 10,
    gridWidth: 10,
    durationMs: 1000,
    maxIndex: 7)

// or
let gridInfo = GridThumbnail(
    baseUrl: "$index$_7.jpg",
    gridHeight: 10,
    gridWidth: 10,
    durationMs: 1000)

PRESTOplaySDK.shared.thumbnails(for: player)?.loadThumbnailsFrom(gridThumbnail: gridInfo) { error in
    if let error = error {
        // Handle error
    } else {
    // Thumbnails are ready to use

Please refer to GridThumbnail.swift for details on how to configure this.


When loadThumbnailsFrom() is called it will store the downloaded thumbnail images (and webVTT file) on the device filesystem. They can then be used while offline in future playback sessions i.e. for offline playback. This local storage cache can be cleaned up by calling:

PRESTOplaySDK.shared.thumbnails(for: player)?.deleteLocalCache()

Apple TV player - ApplePlayerViewController

To display thumbnails on the Apple TV player, I-Frames are required in the HLS manifest file.

# I-Frame Playlists