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AbstractSelectionDialog<T> - Class in com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs
This is a base class for utility selection dialogs that can be used to show and apply a selection if items.
AbstractSelectionDialog() - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.AbstractSelectionDialog
addListener(PlayerControllerView.Listener) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
Add a new listener.
ARG_ALLOW_DISABLE - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.AbstractSelectionDialog
The argument key to store if disabling is allowed and an extra item will be displayed at the top of the list
ARG_ITEMS - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.AbstractSelectionDialog
The argument key to store the items
ARG_SELECTED - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.AbstractSelectionDialog
The argument key to store the currently selected item
ARG_TITLE - Static variable in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.AbstractSelectionDialog
The argument key for the dialog title
AudioTrackSelectionDialogFragment - Class in com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs
This is a utility class that allows you to create a DialogFragment that can be used to switch audio tracks.
AudioTrackSelectionDialogFragment() - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.AudioTrackSelectionDialogFragment


bind(IPlayerView) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
Binds the controls to the given player view and the controller that is exposed by the view.
bind(IPlayerView, Playlist) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
bind(PlayerController) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerProgressBar
Binds this view to the given player controller
bind(PlayerController) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
Binds the controls to the given player controller.
bind(PlayerController, IPlayerView, Playlist) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
Binds the controls view to the given player controller and the the optional player view.


com.castlabs.sdk.playerui - package com.castlabs.sdk.playerui
com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs - package com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs
convert(Integer) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.ScalingModeSelectionDialogFragment.ScalingModeConverter


DefaultVisibilityController - Class in com.castlabs.sdk.playerui
Default implementation of the VisibilityController that enabled animation and auto hiding.
DefaultVisibilityController(View) - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.DefaultVisibilityController
Create a new instance of this controller with the view that will be controlled by it.
dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
dispatchMediaKeyEvent(KeyEvent) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
Handles key event for the default keys implemented by this component.


find(int) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView


getAutoHideDelayMs() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.DefaultVisibilityController
getPlayerView() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.AbstractSelectionDialog
If the parent activity implements PlayerViewProvider, the provider is used to return the player view, otherwise this returns the IPlayerView instance that is bound to this dialog.
getVisibilityController() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
Returns the current visibility controller


hide(boolean) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.DefaultVisibilityController
hide(boolean) - Method in interface com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.VisibilityController
Called when the controlled view should be made invisibl


interactionStarted() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.DefaultVisibilityController
interactionStarted() - Method in interface com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.VisibilityController
Call this method when the user starts interacting with the view under control.
interactionStopped() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.DefaultVisibilityController
interactionStopped() - Method in interface com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.VisibilityController
Call this method when the user stopped interacting with the component under control.
isAutoHideEnabled() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.DefaultVisibilityController
isVisible() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.DefaultVisibilityController
isVisible() - Method in interface com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.VisibilityController


newInstance(IPlayerView, String) - Static method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.AudioTrackSelectionDialogFragment
Creates a new dialog fragment that shows the available audio tracks and allows selecting the new track.
newInstance(IPlayerView, String) - Static method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.ScalingModeSelectionDialogFragment
Creates a new dialog fragment that shows the available scaling modes and allows selecting the new mode.
newInstance(IPlayerView, String) - Static method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.SubtitleSelectionDialogFragment
Creates a new dialog fragment that shows the available subtitle tracks and allows selecting the new track.
newInstance(IPlayerView, String) - Static method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.VideoQualitySelectionDialogFragment
Creates a new dialog fragment that shows the available tracks and allows selecting the new track.
newInstance(IPlayerView, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.AudioTrackSelectionDialogFragment
Creates a new dialog fragment that shows the available audio tracks and allows selecting the new track.
newInstance(IPlayerView, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.SubtitleSelectionDialogFragment
Creates a new dialog fragment that shows the available subtitle tracks and allows selecting the new track.
newInstance(IPlayerView, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.VideoQualitySelectionDialogFragment
Creates a new dialog fragment that shows the available tracks and allows selecting the new track.
newInstance(IPlayerView, String, boolean, boolean, Converter<AudioTrack, String>) - Static method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.AudioTrackSelectionDialogFragment
Creates a new dialog fragment that shows the supported audio tracks on the device and allows selecting the new track.
newInstance(IPlayerView, String, boolean, Converter<AudioTrack, String>) - Static method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.AudioTrackSelectionDialogFragment
Creates a new dialog fragment that shows the available audio tracks and allows selecting the new track.
newInstance(IPlayerView, String, boolean, Converter<SubtitleTrack, String>) - Static method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.SubtitleSelectionDialogFragment
Creates a new dialog fragment that shows the available subtitle tracks and allows selecting the new track.
newInstance(IPlayerView, String, boolean, Converter<VideoTrackQuality, String>) - Static method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.VideoQualitySelectionDialogFragment
Creates a new dialog fragment that shows the available tracks and allows selecting the new track.
newInstance(IPlayerView, String, Converter<Integer, String>) - Static method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.ScalingModeSelectionDialogFragment
Creates a new dialog fragment that shows the available scaling modes and allows selecting the new mode.


onClick(DialogInterface, int) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.AbstractSelectionDialog
onClick(View) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
onCreateDialog(Bundle) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.AbstractSelectionDialog
onProgressChanged(SeekBar, int, boolean) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
onSeekbarReleased() - Method in interface com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView.SeekBarListener
Called when the seekbar was released
onSeekbarScrubbed(long, double) - Method in interface com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView.SeekBarListener
Called while the seek bar is scrubbed
onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
onVisibilityChanged(int) - Method in interface com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView.Listener
Triggered when the visibility of this view is changed


PlayerControllerProgressBar - Class in com.castlabs.sdk.playerui
Simple view component that extends ProgressBar and can be bound to a PlayerController to track its loading state.
PlayerControllerProgressBar(Context) - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerProgressBar
PlayerControllerProgressBar(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerProgressBar
PlayerControllerProgressBar(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerProgressBar
PlayerControllerProgressBar(Context, AttributeSet, int, int) - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerProgressBar
PlayerControllerView - Class in com.castlabs.sdk.playerui
This view component can be bound to a PlayerController to show controls.
PlayerControllerView(Context) - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
PlayerControllerView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
PlayerControllerView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
PlayerControllerView.Listener - Interface in com.castlabs.sdk.playerui
Generic listener interface that can be used to receive specific events from this view.
PlayerControllerView.SeekBarListener - Interface in com.castlabs.sdk.playerui
Listener interface that can be implemented to receive callbacks when the seekbar is scrubbed.


removeListener(PlayerControllerView.Listener) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
Remove a listener.


ScalingModeConverter() - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.ScalingModeSelectionDialogFragment.ScalingModeConverter
ScalingModeSelectionDialogFragment - Class in com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs
This is a utility class that allows you to create a DialogFragment that can be used to switch scaling modes (see PlayerView.setScalingMode(int)).
ScalingModeSelectionDialogFragment() - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.ScalingModeSelectionDialogFragment
ScalingModeSelectionDialogFragment.ScalingModeConverter - Class in com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs
setAnimateSubtitleMargins(boolean) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
Enable or disable subtitles margins animation, default is disabled
setAnimationDurationMs(int) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.DefaultVisibilityController
Set the animation duration in milliseconds
setAnimationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.DefaultVisibilityController
Enable animation
setAudioTrackConverter(Converter<AudioTrack, String>) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
Set the converter that will be used to create textual representations for audio tracks.
setAutoHideDelayMs(int) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.DefaultVisibilityController
Set the delay in milliseconds when the controller should auto-hide a view.
setAutoHideEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.DefaultVisibilityController
Enable or disable auto hiding
setControllerLayoutId(int) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
Sets the layout resource and re-initializes the view with that layout resource.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
setHideAnimator(ObjectAnimator) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.DefaultVisibilityController
Set the hide animator that will be used to hide the controlled view.
setPlayerView(IPlayerView) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.AbstractSelectionDialog
Set the player view reference
setScalingModeConverter(Converter<Integer, String>) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
Set the converter that will be used to create textual representation of scaling modes.
setSeekBarListener(PlayerControllerView.SeekBarListener) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
Set the seek bar listener that can be used to receive callbacks when the user interacts with the seekbar.
setSkipDecreaseMs(int) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
ASet the amount of time in milliseconds that the player should skip backward when the skip back button is pressed.
setSkipIncreaseMs(int) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
Set the amount of time in milliseconds that player should skip forward when the skip forward button is pressed.
setSubtitleTrackConverter(Converter<SubtitleTrack, String>) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
Set the converter that will be used to create textual representations for subtitle tracks.
setTranslationY(float) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
setVideoTrackConverter(Converter<VideoTrackQuality, String>) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
Set the converter that will be used to create textual representations for video tracks.
setViewPosition(int) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.DefaultVisibilityController
Set the position of the controlled view relative to its parent.
setVisibility(int) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
setVisibilityController(VisibilityController) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
Set the visibility controller that will be used to show or hide this control view.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerProgressBar
show(boolean) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.DefaultVisibilityController
show(boolean) - Method in interface com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.VisibilityController
Called when the controlled view should be made visible
showAudioSelection() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
showControlsAndFocus(boolean) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
Shows player controls.
showExtendedTrackInfo(boolean) - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
If the default convert are used for selection dialogs, this can be enabled to render additional track information such as bitrate information or codec information into the track label.
showScaleSelection() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
showSubtitleSelection() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
showVideoQualitySelection() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
SubtitleSelectionDialogFragment - Class in com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs
This is a utility class that allows you to create a DialogFragment that can be used to switch subtitle tracks.
SubtitleSelectionDialogFragment() - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.SubtitleSelectionDialogFragment


unbind() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerProgressBar
Unbinds this view from a currently bound controller
unbind() - Method in class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.PlayerControllerView
Unbinds the controls and the view from this controller and resets all attached listeners.


VideoQualitySelectionDialogFragment - Class in com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs
This is a utility class that allows you to create a DialogFragment that can be used to switch video qualities.
VideoQualitySelectionDialogFragment() - Constructor for class com.castlabs.sdk.playerui.dialogs.VideoQualitySelectionDialogFragment
VisibilityController - Interface in com.castlabs.sdk.playerui
Implementations controll the visibility of a view.
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