Class AnalyticsSessionProxy

All Implemented Interfaces:
IAnalyticsSession, PlayerControllerPlugin.Component

public class AnalyticsSessionProxy extends AnalyticsSession
Proxy which extends AnalyticsSession that can delegate to a list of session.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getSessions

      @Nullable public List<AnalyticsSession> getSessions()
    • setEnabled

      public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Description copied from class: AnalyticsSession
      Enable or disable the session.
      setEnabled in class AnalyticsSession
      enabled - the value
    • startInternal

      public void startInternal(@NonNull PlayerController playerController, @NonNull AnalyticsMetaData analyticsMetaData)
    • stopInternal

      public void stopInternal()
    • adStartInternal

      public void adStartInternal(Ad ad)
    • adStopInternal

      public void adStopInternal()
    • adErrorInternal

      public void adErrorInternal(CastlabsPlayerException exception)
    • adSkippedInternal

      public void adSkippedInternal()
    • reportPlayerStateInternal

      public void reportPlayerStateInternal(PlayerController.State state)
    • sendErrorInternal

      public void sendErrorInternal(String code, String message, int severity)
    • seekStartInternal

      public void seekStartInternal(long newPosition)
    • seekEndInternal

      public void seekEndInternal()
    • seekProcessedInternal

      public void seekProcessedInternal()
    • detachFromControllerInternal

      public void detachFromControllerInternal()
    • releaseInternal

      public void releaseInternal()
    • onExoPlayerStateChangedInternal

      public void onExoPlayerStateChangedInternal(boolean playWhenReady, int playbackState)
    • id

      @NonNull public Class id()
      Description copied from interface: PlayerControllerPlugin.Component
      Returns the class that is used to identify this component when it is registered with the player controller. This is what you need to pass to PlayerController.getComponent(Class) to get the registered instance of this component.
      The class that identifies this component.
    • onDestroy

      public void onDestroy(@NonNull PlayerController playerController)
      Description copied from interface: PlayerControllerPlugin.Component
      Called when the controller is destroyed. Implementation must use this to unregister any listeners that were attached to the controller before.
      playerController - The player controller
    • onOpenBundle

      public void onOpenBundle(@NonNull PlayerController playerController, @NonNull Bundle bundle)
      Description copied from interface: PlayerControllerPlugin.Component
      Called when the player controller is opened with a bundle. Implementations can use this to extract or modify bundle data.
      playerController - The player controller
      bundle - The bundle
    • onOpenState

      public void onOpenState(PlayerController playerController, PlayerConfig playerConfig)
      Description copied from interface: PlayerControllerPlugin.Component
      Called when the player controller is opened with a config. Implementations can use this to extract or modify config data.
      playerController - The player controller
      playerConfig - The playback state