Example Projects

Example Projects

The SDK bundle comes with example projects that you can find in the examples folder. These projects lack a license, but are otherwise configured, ready to use, and can be opened in Android Studio.

In order get started and run the any of the example projects, please add your license (typically the development license) file to the assets of the demo project in src/main/assets (see License Loading for more information about license loading).

Streams Demo

The streams_demo project is a simple demo that allows the playback of various clear and protected samples using the embedded player activity that comes bundled with the PRESTOplay SDK for Android.


The demos project contains source code to demonstrate various use cases of the SDK. The demos usually start in the MainActivity where an Intent is generated. The generated intent is then send to each of the code examples.

Please take a look at the various activities demonstrated in the project. The source files contain comments that explain the various steps.

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