Global Configuration

Global Configuration

The PlayerSDK provides a few fields that can be used to configure defaults for certain behaviors.


This field configures the default setting for secondary displays. See Secondary Displays for more information.


Configures the default HD playback filters. See Video Resolution Filters for more information.


Set the default implementation that will be used to store offline keys. See Offline Keys for more information.


Set the custom SSL key store containing the desired certificates for successful SSL handshake. Setting the custom store might be necessary when the system does not have (yet) the needed CA certificates. Note that the custom key store is NOT a replacement of the system default one and is only used when the system default store cannot verify the certificate during SSL handshake. The client application shall be responsible of keeping the custom key store with up-to-date certificates.


The default behavior of the player is to query the selected video codec for its capabilities to quickly adopt to a new video resolution. This means that the player can reconfigure the codec to a new resolution quickly. There are however devices where the codec implementation reports that it supports fast bitrate switching but it does not work correctly under all circumstances. You can use this flag to disable the automatic selection and force the player to either enable or disable dynamic reconfigurations of the codec.


By default, the DASH Manifest parser assumes that the Manifest is spec conform and BaseURL appear before any other entries. If this is not the case, other entries will get parsed first and the wrong BaseURL will be assigned. This options enabled a pre-scanning step in the Manifest parser, which will search for BaseURL entries first, to ensure the the correct BaseURL is used for all entries. You need to enabled this option of you have Manifests where the BaseURL in the Period is defined after other entries, for example AdaptationSets’. Please note that enabling this option forces the parser to scan the Manifest twice and should only be enabled if it is necessary.


By default, the player will not automatically recover from loss of connectivity. Setting this flag to true will enable automatic recovery in case the device looses internet connectivity. See Recovering From Loss Of Connectivity for more information about this feature.


Customize the default implementation that will be used to check for internet connectivity.


Configure which exceptions should be reported through the Crashlog interface automatically.


By default the player creates two DRM sessions, one for Audio, and one for Video. If you are certain that the DRM backend returns all required license keys with one request, you can use this flag to enforce only one DRM session. Note that this is not required if you are using DRMtoday and specify the asset ID. In that case the only a single session will be used automatically.


Setting this flag to true will force the player to use Widevine L3 even if the device supports higher security levels. This flag can be used to avoid issues on devices with broken secure decoders.

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