Player Debugging

Player Debugging

This chapter covers some details related to the DebugPlugin, a module that attaches to the PlayerController and logs relevant information that helps troubleshoot stream issues.

Adding to the project

The plugin is distributed with the SDK and you can add it as a dependency in your gradle file:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.castlabs.player:debug-plugin:4.2.0'

Once added you can register it with the SDK. The DebugPlugin must be created with its builder.

public class MyApp extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {

        PlayerSDK.register(new DebugPlugin.Builder().logAll(true).get());

Note that here we are enabling all the debugging options. You can also pick whatever debug options you desire with the same Builder. Please refer to the Javadocs for more info.


This plugin also provides debugging views that will graph player metrics. There’s a default debugging overlay which can be enabled in the DebugPlugin with the debugOverlay method.

You can also optionally build your own layout and choose what information to display. This is explained in the following section.


The DebugPlugin provides two charts:

These two Graphs can be used as common Android Views in an xml file.

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

Then, the charts must be configured and provided with a PlayerController.

// State plot
stateChart = chartsView.findViewById(;

// Metric plot, will show bandwidth estimation and player buffer
metricChart = chartsView.findViewById(;
        | PlayerMetricChart.METRIC_BUFFER_AHEAD);

// Bind to PlayerController

When the host view is not visible anymore, you should unbind the Charts from the PlayerController


PlayerMetricChart and Metrics

PlayerMetricChart is a powerful class that can plot the outputs of any Metric.

A Metric provides the required underlying infrastructure to interact with the PlayerMetricChart and the necessary data to it. You can create additional Metrics by extending this class.

In order to enable a set of desired metrics in the PlayerMetricChart you can use the enableMetrics passing one or more of the PlayerMetricChart.METRIC_* constants.

// Metric plot, will show bandwidth estimation and player buffer
        | PlayerMetricChart.METRIC_BUFFER_AHEAD);

If you want more control over how such Metric``s are displayed, you can create them yourself and add them to the ``PlayerMetricChart.

metricChart.addMetric(new BandwidthMetric(Color.BLUE, YAxis.AxisDependency.LEFT));
metricChart.addMetric(new PlayingQualityMetric(Color.BLUE, YAxis.AxisDependency.LEFT));
metricChart.addMetric(new ChunkDownloadTimeMetric(Color.BLUE, YAxis.AxisDependency.RIGHT, ChunkDownloadTimeMetric.MODE_VIDEO));

You can add any number of Metric to the chart.

Metric creation

You can also create your own Metric for a PlayerMetricChart to display.

To do this, you should extend the Metric class and override its abstract methods.

In addition to the abstract methods, you have access to the following:

  • addTimedDataPoint(float). Main data input. Use this method to add a data point to this metric.

  • dataSet. You can use this protected property to modify the underlying dataSet, right after calling the super constructor.

  • Configuration overridable methods, replicateLastValue(), keepLastDroppedValue() and extendToRightEdge().

Please refer to the appropriate Javadocs to get more details about Metric creation.

Known Compatibility Issues

When using the OKHTTPClient logger, the configuration HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY <> interferes with the Bandwidth estimation algorithm of the SDK thereby causing rendition switches to malfunction and therefore must be avoided.

Third party acknowledgement

The DebugPlugin uses and distributes a copy of the MPAndroidChart library which is under the Apache License 2.0.

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