Class SingleControllerPlaylist

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SingleControllerPlaylist extends PlayerController implements Playlist
Playlist implementation. As the Class name suggests, this Playlist implementation relies in the usage of a single PlayerController, which is the SingleControllerPlaylist itself.

This implementation allows for multiple PlayerConfigs to be loaded and played in sequential order. You can start playback with one of the open methods.

Several Playlist manipulation operations are available, such as addItem(PlayerConfig), swap(PlayerConfig, PlayerConfig), or removeItem(PlayerConfig). Note that these APIs receive PlayerConfig objects, which should be contained in the Playlist. IE. be present in getPlaylist(). The playlist might apply some generic configuration to the items passed to open(Parcelable...). This implies that the items in the playlist *will be different instances*.

You should also register a SingleControllerPlaylist.PlaylistListener in the constructor to get Playlist-specific events, such as when a Playlist item change occurs.

The current Playlist can be obtained with getPlaylist() and the current item with getCurrentItem(). The SingleControllerPlaylist operates on PlayerConfig objects.

In order to use the SingleControllerPlaylist you should explicitly create it through its constructor. And, if you're using a PlayerView, set it with the PlayerView.setPlayerController(PlayerController) in your Activity.onCreate(Bundle) method.

The playlist supports mixed clear-protected items where all protected items have the same Drm type. Note that initial DRM configuration shall be set setInitialDrmConfiguration(DrmConfiguration) when using dynamic playlist with mixed items and starting playlist with clear item followed by at least one protected.
  • Field Details


      public static final int DEFAULT_PLAYLIST_WINDOW_BEFORE
      The default number of Playlist items to load before the current one.
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_PLAYLIST_WINDOW_AFTER
      The default number of Playlist items to load after the current one.
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_PLAYLIST_MAX_LOADED_ITEMS
      The default maximum number overall of Playlist items to keep loaded at any time.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • addPlaylistListener

      public void addPlaylistListener(@NonNull SingleControllerPlaylist.PlaylistListener playlistListener)
    • removePlaylistListener

      public void removePlaylistListener(@NonNull SingleControllerPlaylist.PlaylistListener playlistListener)
    • setInitialDrmConfiguration

      public void setInitialDrmConfiguration(@Nullable DrmConfiguration drmConfiguration)
      Initial DrmConfiguration used to initialize and configure DRM session manager when playback is started with clear playlist item. Initial DRM configuration is only needed to be set when adding items dynamically into the playlist and the very first item is in clear.

      Note that when protected item is started playing then the corresponding DrmConfiguration is used which is part of item's PlayerConfig
      drmConfiguration - Initial DrmConfiguration
    • getPlaylistWindowBefore

      public int getPlaylistWindowBefore()
      the number of Playlist items to load before the current one.
    • setPlaylistWindowBefore

      public void setPlaylistWindowBefore(int playlistWindowBefore)
      Sets the number of Playlist items to load before the current one.
      playlistWindowBefore - the number of items before
    • getPlaylistWindowAfter

      public int getPlaylistWindowAfter()
      the number of Playlist items to load after the current one.
    • setPlaylistWindowAfter

      public void setPlaylistWindowAfter(int playlistWindowAfter)
      Sets the number of Playlist items to load after the current one.
      playlistWindowAfter - the number of items after
    • getMaximumLoadedItems

      public int getMaximumLoadedItems()
      the maximum number overall of Playlist items to keep loaded at any time.
    • setMaximumLoadedItems

      public void setMaximumLoadedItems(int maximumLoadedItems)
      Set the maximum number overall of Playlist items to keep loaded at any time.
      maximumLoadedItems - the number of items
    • createContentMediaSource

      @NonNull public createContentMediaSource(@NonNull PlayerConfig playerConfig, boolean attachInitialPositionProvider, @NonNull PlayerPlugin playerPlugin)
      Description copied from class: PlayerController
      Creates a MediaSource for just one PlayerConfig. The resultin MediaSource will be wrapped by a ClippingMediaSource if needed.
      createContentMediaSource in class PlayerController
      playerConfig - the config from which to create the MediaSource
      playerPlugin - the PlayerPlugin that will create the MediaSource
      the MediaSource
    • open

      public void open(@NonNull Parcelable... playerConfigs)
      Description copied from interface: Playlist
      Starts playback with an Array of PlayerConfigs or Bundles.

      The playlist might apply some generic configuration to the items passed to this method. This implies that the items in the playlist *won't necessarily be the same instances*.

      Specified by:
      open in interface Playlist
      playerConfigs - array of PlayerConfigs or Bundles, each representing a Playlist item.
    • open

      public void open(int startIndex, @NonNull Parcelable... playerConfigs)
      Description copied from interface: Playlist
      Start playback with the specified index and with an Array of PlayerConfigs or Bundles.

      The playlist might apply some generic configuration to the items passed to this method. This implies that the items in the playlist *won't necessarily be the same instances*.

      Specified by:
      open in interface Playlist
      startIndex - The index of the config to start playback with
      playerConfigs - The array of player configs to play
    • open

      public void open(@NonNull Bundle bundle)
      Description copied from class: PlayerController
      This method takes a Bundle and extracts the information to create a PlayerConfig from the bundle. The following bundle keys are queried to create the playback state: The following keys will be checked:

      In addition, you can use SdkConsts.INTENT_QUERY_PARAMS_BUNDLE and SdkConsts.INTENT_HEADER_PARAMS_BUNDLE to configure and add query and header parameters that will be send with each request. This can for example be used to add tokens when remote resources are requested. In both cases, the bundle needs to reference another Bundle instance that is then used as a key/value store for the query or header parameters.

      You can also use SdkConsts.INTENT_SUBTITLE_BUNDLE_ARRAYLIST to side-load additional subtitle tracks through the bundle. Use the key to store an ArrayList of Bundle instances that specify side loaded tracks. Use intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra(SdkConsts.INTENT_SUBTITLE_BUNDLE_ARRAYLIST, ...); to add the list of bundles with the subtitle track information. A full example of this looks like:

       ArrayList<Bunde> subtitles = new ArrayList<>();
       Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
       bundle.putString(SdkConsts.INTENT_SUBTITLE_URL, "");
       bundle.putString(SdkConsts.INTENT_SUBTITLE_MIME_TYPE, SdkConsts.MIME_TYPE_TTML);
       bundle.putString(SdkConsts.INTENT_SUBTITLE_LANGUAGE, "en");
       bundle.putString(SdkConsts.INTENT_SUBTITLE_NAME, "Side-loaded");
       intent.putExtra(SdkConsts.INTENT_SUBTITLE_BUNDLE_ARRAYLIST, subtitles);
      open in class PlayerController
      bundle - the bundle
      See Also:
    • open

      public void open(@Nullable PlayerConfig playerConfig)
      Description copied from class: PlayerController
      Opens the given URL to the video. You can specify a path to a local file here, but in this case, please note that the path *needs* to be absolute. The path is treated as a URL and a protocol is expected. If no protocol is specified, the `file://` protocol is assumed and prepended to the given path.

      If you are using an Analytics Plugin, make sure you use PlayerController.setAnalyticsMetaData(AnalyticsMetaData) to set the required meta-data before calling this method.

      open in class PlayerController
      playerConfig - the desired Player configuration
    • addItem

      public void addItem(@NonNull PlayerConfig config)
      Description copied from interface: Playlist
      Adds an item at the end of the playlist.
      Specified by:
      addItem in interface Playlist
      config - item to add
    • addItem

      public void addItem(int position, @NonNull PlayerConfig config)
      Description copied from interface: Playlist
      Adds an item at the specified position in the playlist.
      Specified by:
      addItem in interface Playlist
      position - the position at which to add the item.
      config - item to add
    • removeItem

      public void removeItem(@NonNull PlayerConfig config)
      Description copied from interface: Playlist
      Removes an item from the Playlist. Note that this element must exist in the playlist already (ie. be part of Playlist.getPlaylist()).
      Specified by:
      removeItem in interface Playlist
      config - item to remove
    • swap

      public void swap(@NonNull PlayerConfig playerConfig1, @NonNull PlayerConfig playerConfig2)
      Description copied from interface: Playlist
      Interchanges two Playlist items. If any of such items is the currently playing item, playback won't be affected.
      Specified by:
      swap in interface Playlist
      playerConfig1 - first item to swap
      playerConfig2 - second item to swap
    • getCurrentItem

      @Nullable public PlayerConfig getCurrentItem()
      Description copied from interface: Playlist
      Returns the currently playing item
      Specified by:
      getCurrentItem in interface Playlist
      the currently playing item
    • getCurrentItemIndex

      public int getCurrentItemIndex()
      Description copied from interface: Playlist
      Returns current item index
      Specified by:
      getCurrentItemIndex in interface Playlist
      Current item index or -1 otherwise
    • getPlaylist

      public List<PlayerConfig> getPlaylist()
      Description copied from interface: Playlist
      Returns the current Playlist as a List of PlayerConfig items.
      Specified by:
      getPlaylist in interface Playlist
      the current Playlist
    • open

      public void open(@NonNull List<? extends Parcelable> playerConfigs)
      Description copied from interface: Playlist
      Starts playback with a List of PlayerConfigs or Bundles.

      The playlist might apply some generic configuration to the items passed to this method. This implies that the items in the playlist *won't necessarily be the same instances*.

      Specified by:
      open in interface Playlist
      playerConfigs - list of PlayerConfigs, or Bundles each representing a Playlist item.
    • open

      public void open(int startIndex, @NonNull List<? extends Parcelable> playerConfigs)
      Description copied from interface: Playlist
      Start playback with the specified index and player configs

      The playlist might apply some generic configuration to the items passed to this method. This implies that the items in the playlist *won't necessarily be the same instances*.

      Specified by:
      open in interface Playlist
      startIndex - The index of the config to start playback with
      playerConfigs - The list of player configs to play
    • openState

      public void openState(@NonNull Bundle bundle)
      Description copied from class: PlayerController
      Opens the {link PlayerController} with the given Bundle which is the saved state obtained with PlayerController.saveState(Bundle)
      openState in class PlayerController
      bundle - The Bundle to open the PlayerController with
    • saveState

      public boolean saveState(@NonNull Bundle targetBundle)
      Description copied from class: PlayerController
      Saves the state of this controller to the given target bundle.

      This will store the playback state and all intent parameters that are required to restore the state of this controller using with the target bundle.

      The only exception is the current video quality selection. The video quality will be stored as the initial quality in the bundle if adaptive bitrate switching is turned off and the quality was selected manually. In that case, adaptive bitrate switching will be turned off when the bundle is used to re-open content.

      saveState in class PlayerController
      targetBundle - the target bundle
      True if the state was saved successfully
    • setWrapAroundPlaylistEdges

      public void setWrapAroundPlaylistEdges(boolean wrapPlaylist)
      Set whether the Playlist should wrap around the edges. If it is set to true, and nextItem() is called while playing the last item, the Playlist will transition to the first playlist item. Conversely, if previousItem() is called while playing the first item, the Playlist will transition to the last playlist item.
      wrapPlaylist - whether to enable playlist wrapping.
    • nextItem

      @Nullable public PlayerConfig nextItem()
      Description copied from interface: Playlist
      Advances playback to the next Playlist item.
      Specified by:
      nextItem in interface Playlist
      the next item to play. If null, the end of the Playlist has been reached.
    • playItem

      @Nullable public PlayerConfig playItem(int index, long positionInPeriodUs)
      Plays the item at the specified index
      index - the index of the item to play
      positionInPeriodUs - position within the item to which to seek to
      The PlayerConfig to Play, or null
    • playItem

      @Nullable public PlayerConfig playItem(int index)
      Description copied from interface: Playlist
      Advances playback to the Playlist item specified by the index.
      Specified by:
      playItem in interface Playlist
      the item to play. If null, the end of the Playlist has been reached.
    • getPreviousItemIndex

      public int getPreviousItemIndex()
      Index or C.INDEX_UNSET
    • getNextItemIndex

      public int getNextItemIndex()
      Index or C.INDEX_UNSET
    • previousItem

      @Nullable public PlayerConfig previousItem()
      Description copied from interface: Playlist
      Moves backwards in the Playlist.
      Specified by:
      previousItem in interface Playlist
      the next item to play. If null, the start of the Playlist has been reached.
    • previousItem

      @Nullable public PlayerConfig previousItem(long positionMs)
      Moves backwards in the Playlist.
      positionMs - at which position to playing the item. C.TIME_UNSET will use the default position and C.TIME_END_OF_SOURCE will start playing at the end of the item. This last value makes sense if playing backwards.
      the next item to play. If null, the start of the Playlist has been reached.
    • getPlayerConfig

      @Nullable public PlayerConfig getPlayerConfig(@NonNull PlayerConfig config)
      Gets the internal PlayerConfig from the user config added to the playlist. This internal player config may differ from the user config because parameters may be added or altered by the player.
      config - user item to get the config from
    • seekWith

      public void seekWith(long offsetUs)
      Sets the player to the new position by applying the offset to the current position i.e. with the negative offset the playback goes backward and with the positive one goes forward. If necessary the playback may go to the previous or next item in the playlist with the calculated playback offset as following: previous item position is previous_item_duration + (current_item_position + offset) and next item position is current_item_position + offset - current_item_duration. In case of seeking within the first or the last item in the playlist then the playback position is clipped to either zero or last item duration correspondingly.
      seekWith in class PlayerController
      offsetUs - The offset to be applied to the current position
    • getSize

      public int getSize()
      Description copied from interface: Playlist
      Returns the number of Configs in the playlist.
      Specified by:
      getSize in interface Playlist
      number of Configs
    • addItemLoadListener

      public void addItemLoadListener(@NonNull SingleControllerPlaylist.ItemLoadListener listener)
      listener - the listener to add
    • removeItemLoadListener

      public void removeItemLoadListener(@NonNull SingleControllerPlaylist.ItemLoadListener listener)
      listener - the listener to remove